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Google’s Android Surpasses Windows as Most-Used Operating System

 Posted on April 27,2017 in Mobile-Friendly Sites

OVC Marketing for LawyersIn today’s technologically driven world, you essentially have two choices: get online or get left behind. An overwhelming majority of Americans—nearly 90 percent—use the internet to shop, connect with friends, search for information, or even conduct business. While the percentage of the population who use the internet in other regions around the world is not quite so high, data suggests that nearly half of the world’s citizens go online in some way.

Connecting to the internet once required a desktop or laptop computer and a telephone line. Today, of course, users are no longer tethered by a literal phone cord. People can now access the internet from nearly anywhere with devices that fit easily into a pocket or handbag. As more and more people rely on smartphones and other mobile devices to stay connected, the tech industry as a whole has continued to evolve around—led largely by advances by companies like Google. Last month, the most powerful brand on the internet claimed another victory, as Android, Google’s mobile operating system eclipsed Microsoft’s Windows as the most popular operating system in the world for internet usage.

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Making Google Maps and the Local 3-Pack Work for Your Firm

 Posted on April 07,2017 in Search Engine Optimization

OVC Lawyer MarketingWhen you conduct a Google search for a type of business, the search engine’s algorithm determines what pages are most likely to meet your needs and displays them as a list of search results. In many cases, there are infinitely more results that you will never need. For example, a quick search using the words “Chicago restaurants” returns more than 99 million results—in less than one second. Of course, each result does not necessarily correspond to an individual establishment—Chicago has lots of restaurants but not 99 million of them. Most such searches, however, return at least several bona fide options under an interactive map of the local region.   

Over the last few years, this section of Google’s search results page has undergone a series of transformations beginning with a list of seven entries and a regional map. In its current iteration, the listing is referred to as a Local 3-Pack, and getting your firm listed as part of a Local 3-Pack can dramatically increase your online visibility.

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The Importance of Cybersecurity for Attorneys

 Posted on March 30,2017 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

OVC Lawyer MarketingMost people—even those who have never experienced a brush with the law in any form—are familiar with the concepts of attorney-client privilege and confidentiality. While the two are not the same, they both afford protections to a client who has retained professional legal representation. The attorney-client privilege is generally a procedural privilege which generally provides that the client’s lawyer cannot be compelled to testify or provide evidence—including notes, memos, and other documents generated as a result of being retained—against the client. Confidentiality is a broader concept and prevents the attorney from revealing information he or she received from his or her client without the client’s express, informed consent.

Over the last several decades, a new challenge has arisen for attorneys in protecting their clients’ confidential information. With more and more systems becoming digital for the sake of stability, efficiency, convenience, the likelihood of client information being hacked or stolen through electronic means has also increased.

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Technology Must-Haves for Your Law Firm

 Posted on March 23,2017 in Legal Marketing

OVC Lawyer MarketingIf someone were to ask you to picture a typical law firm, what you see in your mind’s eye? There is a good chance that your concept of a legal practice—even if you are a lawyer—would resemble that which we commonly see depicted in movies and on television: dark wood, shelves of law books, perhaps some file cabinets on one wall, and mostly lit by table lamps or desk lights. The typical image of a law firm is one of authority, rooted in tradition, and with a more conservative ambiance.

When you open a law firm of your own, it is perfectly acceptable to create such an atmosphere with the décor in your offices. Underneath the aesthetics, however, your firm must be equipped with the technology to properly serve your clients and to be successful in the highly competitive arena of practicing the law. Your desk may be 60 years old, but your filing and communications systems should not be.

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The Facebook Post That Offended Irish Sensibilities Everywhere

 Posted on March 16,2017 in Social Media

OVC lawyer marketingOver the last decade, social media has become an invaluable tool for companies to market their products and reach new customers. With a just a few clicks, you can advertise a limited-time promotion, highlight a major achievement, or announce a recent addition to your team. As you might expect, however, you must be cautious when using social media outlets to promote your business, as a seemingly innocuous misstep could draw the ire of an entire nation—even over something as simple as a badly-poured beer.

St. Patrick’s Day With a Canadian Touch

Pubs and bars in Irish communities around the world will welcome revelers for the annual feast of St. Patrick—a 5th-century missionary, bishop, and patron saint of Ireland. In many regions—particularly throughout North America—even those without Irish heritage will don their best green, become “Irish for the day,” and join in the festivities.

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Law Firms Realize Significant Returns on Digital Marketing Investments

 Posted on March 09,2017 in Legal Marketing

OVC Lawyer MarketingFor this year’s Super Bowl, advertisers shelled out an estimated $5 million for a 30-second television commercial broadcasted to the game’s estimated 111 million viewers. Large-scale television marketing, however, is not ideal for every industry or type of business. Others rely on more personalized, audience-focused ways of reaching potential customers, and a growing number are turning to digital marketing.

Our world has never been more closely connected. The rise of computer technology has redefined how business relationships are created and maintained. While television commercials, print media, and face-to-face interactions still have their places, digital marketing—including social media, email campaigns, and content production—is crucial to the success of virtually every company.

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Study Finds Emojis Increase Marketing Reach

 Posted on February 28,2017 in Social Media Marketing

OVC Lawyer MarketingEmojis, it seems, are everywhere these days, and not just in text messages from your children. The little icons—evolving from the ubiquitous yellow smiley face in the early days of the internet—can now be found on t-shirts, as plush toys, and even in upcoming feature film. For many people, emojis are associated with casual conversation and informal messaging, but a new study suggests that including them in your company’s mobile marketing campaigns could pay handsome dividends.

The Power of Images

The word “emoji” has origins in the Japanese language and is a combination of “e,” the Japanese word for “picture,” and “moji,” meaning “character.” You may have heard people referring to the little pictures as “emoticons,” but there are technical differences between the two, and the similarity of the two words is entirely coincidental. Without going into too much detail, an emoji is a pictorial representation of a thought, idea, or expression—such as a yellow winky-face—while an emoticon is a text-based display of an emotion—such as ;-).

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New Google Software Takes Aim at Trolls and Harmful Comments

 Posted on February 24,2017 in Website Content

OVC Lawyer MarketingWhen you read a newspaper or a magazine, discussing what you have just read requires you to find another person who is interested in the topic covered by the particular article or op-ed. When you read an article or news piece on the internet, in most cases, there is an opportunity for discussion available right on the very page you are reading. The conversation usually centers around the topic in question, and you do not usually need to wonder about the interests of those participating in the discussion since they have clearly clicked the link to read the article as well. In some situations, however, certain comments and commenters may actually distract from the constructive dialogue, with some comments even including hate-filled invectives and accusations. To combat this problem, Google is launching a new technology to help web publishers manage their content and keep it safe from harmful comments and internet trolls.

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YouTube Personality Shut Down Over Controversial Content

 Posted on February 16,2017 in Online Videos

OVC Lawyer MarketingOver the last few years, online marketing has started expanding its focus to include videos published on YouTube, Vimeo, and other video-sharing services. For many companies, the world of online video may seem like an alien environment—a entire subculture that has garnered a varied, yet extremely large following. The trend toward streaming video has also created a completely new group of celebrities. For the most part, these are individuals whose success is the direct result of creativity, hard work, and the platform to reach millions of people each day. Those who push things too far, however, may quickly find themselves on the outside looking in as one of the world’s most popular YouTube personalities has discovered.

Faces of YouTube’s New Premium Service

In late 2015, Google repackaged its YouTube Music Key as YouTube Red, allowing users to pay a monthly fee for increased access to YouTube content without advertisements. The idea behind YouTube Red was to compete with other streaming services by offering original shows and movies. To help promote the new service, Google and YouTube relied on the popularity of “YouTubers” such as PewDiePie, the irreverent creation of a Swedish internet star, and Rhett and Link, the pair behind a daily YouTube talk show known called Good Mythical Morning.

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Savvy Social Media Marketing Capitalizes on 11-Year Old TV Joke

 Posted on February 10,2017 in Social Media

OVC lawyer marketingTo the uninformed, the world of social media seems to be dominated by viral videos, political rants, and so-called “trolls” looking for a fight. In short, social media often feels like it is filled with noise. But, as with most things in life, social networks can also offer unique marketing opportunities for those with the knowledge and patience to sort through the veritable jungle of posted opinions and images. Sometimes, openings can arise through the actions of others, making it possible to capitalize on the opportunities they present—if you have the knowledge and skill to act quickly.

More Than a Decade in the Making

Back in 2005, NBC’s mockumentary television show The Office was just beginning to attract attention and was in only its second season. In one of the series’ more famous scenes, Pam Beesly—a shy, reserved receptionist at the time—drank too much during a company awards ceremony and caused a scene at a Chili’s restaurant. Near the end of the episode, the manager of the fictionalized Chili’s informed viewers that Pam was banned from the restaurant chain.

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