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Attorney Press Releases Enhance SEO

Online and Print PR for Lawyers

Looking for a greater presence on the internet? Need to improve your firm's search engine optimization? Press releases written and distributed by OVC, INC. can enhance your online presence both locally and nationally, thus improving your search engine optimization and in turn, your website traffic.

Originally, press releases were intended for print media and sent to local or other appropriate media outlets in the hope of getting coverage of a timely news event. Sometimes these releases would get picked up by a newspaper or other outlet, but they often landed in the trash.

Now, by using the permanency of the internet, OVC, INC. writes and publishes timely news articles about your firm through one of our internet partners. These press releases often show up prominently in Google searches, and they remain online for extended periods of time.

In addition, clients have seen spikes in their website traffic following the release of a press article, and several of our clients have even been contacted by independent news media for interviews as a result of their press releases being seen online.

If you are interested in enhancing your SEO and being found in more places on the internet, contact OVC, INC. today at 630-635-8000 to see how press releases can work for you.

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