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How to Increase the ROI of Your Law Firm’s Social Media Marketing

 Posted on July 10,2017 in Social Media Marketing

Increasing the ROI of Your Social Media MarketingSocial media marketing is instrumental in the growth and maintenance of any business. However, many law firms are baffled by how to use social media to attract new clients. Even worse, a significant number of attorneys believe that social media marketing is inessential to the growth of their business. In a survey conducted by Attorney at Work, 54% of respondents said that social media marketing is “more hype than reality.”

The inclination to believe that social media is not an integral part of any effective marketing strategy can be detrimental to the health of your law firm or business. The propensity for many people to believe that social media is not necessary may stem in part from their ineffective use of social media. Many business owners spend an excess amount of time and money on social without receiving the return on investment (ROI) they should.

However, navigating social media does not have to be a guessing game or a science experiment gone wrong. The following tips detail how you can use social media to achieve the business goals of your law firm:

  1. Outline the objectives. Like any good marketing plan, you will need to implement your business goals in your social media strategy. In relation to the health and growth of your law firm, what objectives would you like to achieve in the next few months? Do you want more clients from a certain practice area? Or do you want cases that would take a longer time to resolve? Your posts and ads should be tailored to meet those goals.

  2. Who is your audience? Before you even begin creating social media accounts for your law firm, pinpoint who your potential audience is. Do not view your social media audience as people who visit your page or comment on your tweets—perceive them as potential clients. It is important to tailor your social media brand based on your audience. For example, if your law firm is comprised of a few female attorneys and your firm focuses its practice on family law and mediation, then your audience would most likely be women with children.

    This means that your social media posts and content should be geared toward that particular audience. You can only address that audience’s goals and concerns on social media if you understand them. When you create social media content that resonates with that particular audience, that is what will help them decide to become your clients.

  3. Don’t rush. While you may want to see a rapid influx of new clients the minute you create a business page for your law firm, social media does not work that way. Take the time to build strong engagement (post likes, shares, comments, followers, etc.) on your social networking sites. If the engagement on your pages is strong, there is a higher likelihood of receiving more conversions and leads (responses to your call-to-action).

  4. Provide a variety of content. In order to truly engage prospective clients and increase your followers, post a variety of content and media on your social media pages. Share both original and curated content in text and graphic forms: blogs, articles, infographics, graphics, and videos. Diverse content will not only keep your page from looking dull, but it can also pique the interest of a variety of readers, because each reader may prefer one type of content over another.

  5. Provide quality content. Do not post for the sake of posting. Each time you are about to share or post something on your social networking sites, ask yourself if the content is of value to the audience you highlighted when you first formulated your social media marketing plan (see tip #2). Do not always link to content or articles that are widely shared. Social media users will gravitate to your networking sites if they are filled with content the users need and can’t find anywhere else. Work with a good writing team who has the ability to produce this type of original, quality content.

Contact Our Social Media Marketing Professionals Today

These are just a few of the ways you can increase your social media’s ROI. As you grow your practice, you may find that you have little time to maintain your social media platforms. Consulting OVC’s skilled, dynamic digital marketing and writing professionals could take your law firm to new heights. Since 2008, we have provided state-of-the-art social media marketing for attorneys and law offices across the country. We will assist you with developing a social media marketing plan that will attract new clients and expand your online presence. To learn more, call 630-635-8000 today.




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