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How Much Should You Spend on Your Marketing Budget?

 Posted on August 28,2017 in OVC Lawyer Marketing


New and old businesses alike often wonder how much of their overall budget should be spent on marketing. In 2019, more than $103 billion will be spent on search engine marketing, social media marketing, display advertising, and email marketing. However, most businesses do not have million of dollars to invest in digital marketing. So, just how much of your budget should you spend in this area? 

The amount you should spend on marketing depends not only on the size of your business, but your industry and business goals as well. In general, businesses that are around one to five years old should use about 12 to 20 percent of their revenue on marketing. Businesses that have been around for more than five years should use about 6 to 12 percent of their revenue on marketing.

What Marketing Channel Should You Invest In?

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8 Simple Techniques to Effectively Promote and Distribute Your Content

 Posted on August 23,2017 in Website Content

b2ap3_thumbnail_8-Ways-to-Distribute-Content-Effectively_20170823-180725_1.pngIt has happened to the best of us. You put all of your time, resources, and creative energy into creating an amazing piece of content, hit "publish," and then...*crickets.* If you struggle to gain traction on your content, you may need to reevaluate your content distribution and marketing strategy. Here are eight ways you can distribute your content for maximum reach:

1. First things first: create valuable content.

Your content distribution and marketing efforts will be in vain if the content is of low quality and is not engaging. Provide your target audience with content that is interesting and of value to them, and you will see a high return on investment (ROI) for your content marketing.

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5 Tips for Creating an Effective SEO Strategy for Your Content

 Posted on August 07,2017 in Search Engine Optimization

SEO StrategyIt’s no secret. People use Google and other search engines to find information, and the websites that are optimized to rank high in searches are the ones that are the most successful. However, developing a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy is no easy feat. Read below to learn how you can create an effective SEO strategy and develop content that is SEO-friendly:  

  1. Plan your content around relevant keywords. Users look for content using keywords (the search terms they type into search engines), so the content you create should be determined by keyword research. Keywords should not be an afterthought. They should be used as a source to organize your content and inspire ideas. 
  2. Research the best keywords using Google. Make a list of keywords by using Google’s search engine results and Google’s Keyword Planner. Search for different terms on Google and track the number of times the keywords showed up on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs). Scroll toward the end of the SERP to view the list of "search related" terms for an idea of the kinds of keywords you can use. You can use Google’s Keyword Planner to measure the number of times a keyword or phrase is searched for and how competitive a keyword phrase is. Pro tip: Don’t use a keyword that is too high or low in competition. Aim for keywords that have medium competition and a healthy search volume.

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5 Quick Ways to Boost Your Law Firm’s Twitter Following and Engagement

 Posted on July 24,2017 in Twitter

Engage Your Audience on TwitterSocial media can leave many attorneys baffled, but Twitter is one of the easiest social media platforms to use because of its informal and conversational nature. The social media platform is valuable, too. While it does not have as many users as Facebook, Twitter is unique in that it is generally easier for users to find the content they are looking for. This provides attorneys with a great opportunity to directly reach out to users looking for legal information and connect with potential clients.

You can increase your following on Twitter, and in turn, expand your client base by following these five tips:

1. It’s all about the visuals.

Research shows that tweets with images, videos, or GIFs are more likely to be retweeted than tweets with no visuals. Visual content is what grabs your followers’ attention, and when they retweet your content, more people are likely to see it and be led back to your Twitter page

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OVC, Inc. Celebrates Business Milestone

 Posted on July 20,2017 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

OVC, Inc. Celebrates Business MilestoneEarlier this spring the online marketing firm, OVC, Inc., celebrated its ninth year of providing specialized products and services for attorneys and law firms in need of a powerful online presence. The company’s anniversary took place on May 28, 2017.

Over the years, OVC, Inc. developed a series of strategic relationships with both local and national organizations, including the DuPage County Bar Association and Kane County Bar Association. As these relationships grew, the company added services and products that enhanced Search Engine Optimization for clients including legal directory partnerships and blogs. Writers with legal industry experience and/or English backgrounds, marketers, SEO experts and social media gurus joined the team, allowing OVC, Inc. to provide complete marketing programs for law firms across Illinois and throughout the United States. The company currently serves clients in 14 states.

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New Features and Updates for Google My Business and Image Search

 Posted on July 13,2017 in Changes with Google

Mobile Image SearchThis week, Google rolled out new updates and features regarding image search results and Google My Business. Google was testing the updates and features earlier this year and late last year, and has now decided to deploy them.

Google My Business Messaging Feature

A new messaging feature for Google My Business is now fully available on mobile phones throughout the U.S. The managers of Google My Business accounts can now directly chat with potential customers or clients through the Google local panel in mobile search. 

So, when potential clients see your Google local panel when searching for your company in mobile search, a “Message” icon will appear next to the “Call,” “Directions,” and “Website” icons. 

To activate this feature, go to your Google My Business account home page and click the “Turn on Messaging” button in the section titled “Message with Customers.” You will then be prompted to enter the mobile number of the phone you want to connect to your account (your phone must have a messaging app installed).

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How to Increase the ROI of Your Law Firm’s Social Media Marketing

 Posted on July 10,2017 in Social Media Marketing

Increasing the ROI of Your Social Media MarketingSocial media marketing is instrumental in the growth and maintenance of any business. However, many law firms are baffled by how to use social media to attract new clients. Even worse, a significant number of attorneys believe that social media marketing is inessential to the growth of their business. In a survey conducted by Attorney at Work, 54% of respondents said that social media marketing is “more hype than reality.”

The inclination to believe that social media is not an integral part of any effective marketing strategy can be detrimental to the health of your law firm or business. The propensity for many people to believe that social media is not necessary may stem in part from their ineffective use of social media. Many business owners spend an excess amount of time and money on social without receiving the return on investment (ROI) they should.

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Content Marketing 101: A Quick History of Blogging

 Posted on May 25,2017 in Blogs

OVC Lawyer MarketingIf you are active on social media or use the internet to search for any type of entertainment, pop culture, or sports information, you have probably come across at least a few blogs. In today’s world, blogs have become an extremely common and well respected form of journalism—albeit admittedly colored by the opinions and beliefs of the blog writer. But, how did we get this point? How did blogs evolve from personal webpages to tools that can be used to drive traffic and increase client conversions? The history of blogging is certainly an interesting story.

Humble Beginnings

Blogs trace their roots to the advent of written language when humans first started recording their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in diaries and journals. It seems that we have always been interested in documenting our lives and interests for future posterity—or whoever would happen to read what we had written.

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Changes May Be Ahead for Google’s Featured Snippets

 Posted on May 19,2017 in Changes with Google

OVC Marketing for LawyersBy now, you probably know that Google’s search engine processes billions of queries on any given day—the number is actually around 3.5 billion if you were curious. You also probably know that the results are ranked by the search engine’s algorithm as it attempts to determine which sites best suit the needs of the user conducting the search. Sites that are determined to be more relevant to a particular query rank higher, as you might expect. Depending on the search term, you may also see a text excerpt from one of the relevant results displayed above all of the other results. This eye-catching distinction on the search results page is known as a “featured snippet” and is highly coveted by web designers and marketing professionals. According to at least one source, however, Google may soon be making changes to its featured snippet program.

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Illinois Supreme Court Amends Mandatory CLE Requirements for Attorneys

 Posted on May 11,2017 in Illinois State Bar

OVC Marketing for LawyersFor motivated individuals, “good enough” is never enough; it is always possible to do more or to continue improving. This type of person is often a “lifelong learner,” as he or she constantly looks for new opportunities to hone a skill and increase his or her knowledge base. In certain professions, lifelong learning is not just expected; it is mandatory for maintaining certifications and licensing. In the state of Illinois, attorneys, along with teachers, doctors, and even cosmetologists and hairdressers are required by the state to complete a certain number of “continuing education” hours so that they can remain at the forefront of their respective fields.

Minimum CLE Requirements

In 2005, the Illinois Supreme Court created the Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Board to oversee continuing legal education (CLE) requirements for practicing attorneys in the state. While the rules are a little different for newly-licensed attorneys, lawyers who have been in the profession for more than two years must take a minimum of 30 CLE hours in each two-year reporting period. Six of those of hours must be in areas categorized as Professional Responsibility CLE, including professionalism, civility, ethics, diversity, mental illness, and addiction.

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