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5 Quick Ways to Boost Your Law Firm’s Twitter Following and Engagement

 Posted on July 24,2017 in Twitter

Engage Your Audience on TwitterSocial media can leave many attorneys baffled, but Twitter is one of the easiest social media platforms to use because of its informal and conversational nature. The social media platform is valuable, too. While it does not have as many users as Facebook, Twitter is unique in that it is generally easier for users to find the content they are looking for. This provides attorneys with a great opportunity to directly reach out to users looking for legal information and connect with potential clients.

You can increase your following on Twitter, and in turn, expand your client base by following these five tips:

1. It’s all about the visuals.

Research shows that tweets with images, videos, or GIFs are more likely to be retweeted than tweets with no visuals. Visual content is what grabs your followers’ attention, and when they retweet your content, more people are likely to see it and be led back to your Twitter page

2. Participate in Twitter’s law community.

Twitter has a unique, robust community of attorneys, judges, and legal professionals who discuss a variety of legal topics. On Twitter, attorneys and judges use hashtags such as #appellatetwitter and #lawtwitter when creating tweets pertaining to general law topics and specific questions or comments about the proper grammar and style of legal writing. In addition, professionals in the legal industry also use these hashtags for research purposes. They may ask questions about public court cases or specific laws and statutes.

Oftentimes, the hashtags are used with more light-hearted tweets like this:


(Source: Lawch Ness, esq., Twitter post, July 17, 2017, 9:01 p.m., https://twitter.com/Who_L_)

When you click on these hashtags or type them into Twitter’s search bar, an entire list of all the tweets that use the hashtags will appear. You can then choose to see the most recent or most popular tweets and reply to them and/or retweet them.

3. Retweet. Retweet. Retweet.

You should be tweeting at least one to five times a day on Twitter for optimal engagement. However, you do not have to think about what to say every single time you tweet. Retweeting valuable (or sometimes entertaining) content from others is one effective way of increasing your own page’s engagement, because you are making connections with others on Twitter and providing your own followers with useful information

4. Provide valuable, useful content.

A healthy combination of original and curated content that helps your followers solve a problem, gives them unique insight into a subject matter, and entertains them will not only keep them coming back for more, but will make them more likely to share your tweets with their own followers. This will in turn grow your own following.

5. Put the "social" back in "social media."

Social media, especially Twitter, is not only about sharing content, but about being engaged with others. Follow other attorneys or law firms, respond to comments, tweet inspirational quotes for #motivationmonday, and thank your new followers once every week. Your followers will quickly grow tired or disinterested if you just post content and make no efforts to engage with them.

While these tactics and strategies may seem simple and quick to do, as your law firm grows, you may find you have little time to spend on social media. Entrusting an experienced online marketing agency with your social media accounts can go a long way in maintaining and strengthening your firm’s social media marketing. At OVC Lawyer Marketing, our dynamic team of marketing professionals can expand your law firm’s online presence and help you bring in new clients. Call us at 630-635-8000 or contact us online to speak with our team today.

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