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Content Marketing 101: A Quick History of Blogging

 Posted on May 25,2017 in Blogs

OVC Lawyer MarketingIf you are active on social media or use the internet to search for any type of entertainment, pop culture, or sports information, you have probably come across at least a few blogs. In today’s world, blogs have become an extremely common and well respected form of journalism—albeit admittedly colored by the opinions and beliefs of the blog writer. But, how did we get this point? How did blogs evolve from personal webpages to tools that can be used to drive traffic and increase client conversions? The history of blogging is certainly an interesting story.

Humble Beginnings

Blogs trace their roots to the advent of written language when humans first started recording their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in diaries and journals. It seems that we have always been interested in documenting our lives and interests for future posterity—or whoever would happen to read what we had written.

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