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Google’s Android Surpasses Windows as Most-Used Operating System

 Posted on April 27,2017 in Mobile-Friendly Sites

OVC Marketing for LawyersIn today’s technologically driven world, you essentially have two choices: get online or get left behind. An overwhelming majority of Americans—nearly 90 percent—use the internet to shop, connect with friends, search for information, or even conduct business. While the percentage of the population who use the internet in other regions around the world is not quite so high, data suggests that nearly half of the world’s citizens go online in some way.

Connecting to the internet once required a desktop or laptop computer and a telephone line. Today, of course, users are no longer tethered by a literal phone cord. People can now access the internet from nearly anywhere with devices that fit easily into a pocket or handbag. As more and more people rely on smartphones and other mobile devices to stay connected, the tech industry as a whole has continued to evolve around—led largely by advances by companies like Google. Last month, the most powerful brand on the internet claimed another victory, as Android, Google’s mobile operating system eclipsed Microsoft’s Windows as the most popular operating system in the world for internet usage.

What Is an Operating System?

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