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Beating the Clock: Time Management Tips for Attorneys

 Posted on March 20,2014 in Legal Marketing

time management tips for lawyersTime is of the essence. According to ABC News, Americans spend too much time burning the candle at both ends. We spend more time at the office in sharp contrast to our counterparts: the UK; France; Germany; Norway and quite surprisingly Japan. American workers top the list of least vacation days taken, longer hours, and a rocky road to the promise land of retirement. American attorneys are not exempt.

In a recent article by Paul H. Burton, posted to the American Bar Association, there are five simple steps that can not only increase productivity but add a few extra ticks to the mindful eye of the clock. Burton suggests that implementing these tips can improve time management, break unhealthy work habits and just may get you home by dinnertime.

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Social Media Marketing Now Gracing the Legal Industry’s Welcome Mat

 Posted on March 12,2014 in Social Media

social media marketingAccording to a recent article published by the The Washington Post, legal firms are realizing the benefits of a well rounded social media marketing campaign. So much so that 20 percent of firms now house a full time media specialist. For smaller firms or solo practice attorneys contracting with a online marketing firm solely for attorneys can provide the same benefits as employing an in-house specialist.

This is truly a notable shift for the risk reluctant legal industry who made their arrival slightly behind the restaurant and retail industries. When the latter was fully participating in the expansive spectrum of the social media arena to promote discounts and product lines, the legal industry was reluctantly contemplating if social media was a profitable way to engage prospective clients before they signed off on the social media RSVP.

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Is Twitter Tweeting its Swan Song? Will Twitter Troubles Affect Online Marketing Strategies for Attorneys?

 Posted on March 01,2014 in Legal Marketing

twitter help for attorneysAs an tech savvy attorney you have sung the praises of your online marketing efforts. You have tackled social media and your online presence is producing substantial new client ratio results.

Without perhaps publicly admitting it, your favorite technological tool is Twitter. Both personally and professionally you appreciate being able to connect with clients and friends instantaneously. Twitter provides you with the capability of broadcasting pertinent business news all in 140 character or less. Brilliant, but is Twitter flying toward placement on technology's list of endangered species?

Unless you have excused yourself from the internet and refrained from checking your Twitter account, Twitter's stock recently found itself singing an off key? Falling by as much as 18 percent recently, Twitter boasted a meager 3.8 percent in user numbers since the fourth quarter of 2013 and less than enthusiastic engagement by existing users for the same quarter.

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Reputation Management for Attorneys: Maintaining a Credible Online Presence

 Posted on February 27,2014 in Legal Marketing

attorney reputation management"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that you will do things differently." - Warren Buffett

This prophetic quote coined by American business magnate, investor and philanthropist Warren Buffett should be incorporated into the mission statement of all businesses today. Especially true for the American attorney. With the increase of social media marketing by the legal community, it is quite easy for a disgruntled client to instantaneously tarnish an attorney’s good name in just a few keystrokes.

Protecting your reputation online takes time and effort. Realizing your time constraints, seeking the assistance of an experienced online marketing firm can be the first step to ensuring your reputation remains intact. Before researching your options, it may be beneficial to first fully understand the importance of monitoring your online credibility:

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Online Marketing for Lawyers: Putting a Trusted Name Behind the Wheel

 Posted on February 19,2014 in Legal Marketing

online marketing for attorneysIt is official. British insurance agency, Sheilas' Wheels recently polled clients to determine the amount of time and costly petrol patrons are willing to deplete before asking for directions. Not surprising, 75 percent of female clients would not hesitate to wave down a good samaritan but 25 percent of all males surveyed admit to driving over one half an hour before declaring they are lost. Even worse, 10 percent admit to refusing to ask for directions at all.

Although this survey originates across the pond, the percentages for the U.S. population probably rank close to the UK findings. Luckily, for both sexes the advancement of technological navigation devices for the directionally challenged have become a mainstay in our daily lives, virtually making it easier for us to get from Point A to Point B.

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Tupperware and American Consumerism: The Path to Online Marketing for Attorneys

 Posted on February 07,2014 in Legal Marketing

online marketing tips for lawyersConsumerism or how we Americans fit into the social and economical order that encourages us to purchase goods and seek out services surprisingly heightened after World War II with the introduction of believe it or not, Tupperware.

According to a recent article published by the Public Broadcasting Services (PBS), Tupperware cleared the way by promoting hearth and home but also as a product line that could ease the burden of the busy post-war housewife. It also opened the door to the long-term indulgent relationship with American consumerism.

Although we may not be experiencing the rate of economic growth as witnessed by the baby boomers of our society, Americans have burrowed a new course of consumerism through the technological advancements of the magical World Wide Web.

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Establishing a Local Presence: Attorneys Turning to Google+

 Posted on January 24,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

google law firm marketing


If you think about it for a moment or two, it is bit of an odd name. With projected growth estimated at 19.92 percent for 2014, this global marketing leader has managed to formidably scribe it’s name into our business vocabulary of today.

The evolution of Google and social media has provided the legal industry with new terms and technology for building successful global, national and/or local marketing campaigns. So how can attorneys increase their online presence in their own backyards to successfully farm local prospective clients?

Google has it Covered...

With Google+ - Local Page Optimization, attorneys wanting to increase their local internet visibility carefully design a local profile page and then choose optimized key words that positions their practice respectfully on Google's Search Engine Results Page (SERP) for a specific geographical area.

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Let's Chat: Attorney's Expanding Website Functionality via Click-to-Chat Technology

 Posted on January 13,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

attorney click to chat marketingAs an attorney, in all probability your website has been professionally developed to specifically direct prospective clients to your site. Your informative website chronicles your professional credentials, provides contact information, hosts relevant blogs and informative videos, but can your website work even harder to harness prospective clients and generate more leads?

The answer is yes. According to The Lead Review, 80 percent of all legal Internet traffic is driven by prospective clients who are seeking answers to specific legal questions. This is your opportunity to be the attorney with the answers, anytime day or night.

By incorporating an interactive Click-to-Chat software within your website not only will you be able to monitor real-time Internet activity but you will also establish an immediate connection with a visiting potential client through the use of live chat or text capabilities.

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YouTube for Attorneys: Rounding Out Your Social Media Campaign

 Posted on January 09,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

youtube marketing for lawyersWe are truly internet enthusiasts. With Americans spending an average of 23 hours per week on the global marketplace, Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn have become a staple in both our personal and professional lives.

On a personal level we rely on social media to stay in touch with family and friends but in our professional lives we expect these marketing leaders to work 24/7 to promote and grow new business.

Overall, online marketing has found its niche in the legal community. By providing daily exposure to prospective clients, Facebook, Google and LinkedIn clearly top the short list of marketing giants, but perhaps there lies yet another underutilized sleeping giant, online video marketing with YouTube.

Seventy percent of Americans are previewing online videos daily (Tech News Daily). So, what better way to make an indelible first impression? Combined with all other social media marketing tools, the use of  online videos can effectively round out your marketing campaign by extending a personal invitation to prospective clients.

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Google Adwords: Driving the Legal Industry Forward in the Advertising Marketplace

 Posted on January 03,2014 in Legal Marketing

lawyer marketing google adwordsThe benefit of building a better website full of relevant content, informative videos, timely blogs and documentation of your legal services and accomplishments is not worth the internet real estate if it does not drive new clients to your door. Your advertising dollar needs to work smarter.

Google Adwords puts you directly in the driver's seat. By eliminating traditional advertising rate cards and price lists, Adwords gives you the power to map your own advertising road trip.

Launched by Google in 2005, Adwords is built on a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform.

Overall the concept is quite simple:

  • People search on Google
  • You pay only for active clicks
  • You acquire more customers

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