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Keep the Home Fires Burning: Lawyers Benefit from Local Search Optimization

 Posted on April 18,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

community driven blog, geographical content, local page optimization, local search optimization, localized key words, OVCX OVC Lawyer Marketing, rich snippet, Search Engine Results Page, SERPSocial media marketing remains a hot topic. And as a result, attorneys are turning up the heat, especially in their own backyards, by cultivating prospective clients through the use of Local Search Optimization.

The leader in Internet magic, Google now provides businesses with the ability to customize Search Engine Optimization, the process of improving the volume of local website traffic by assigning keywords to achieve a higher ranking on the Internet marketplace and eliminating the need to key in specific geographical locations.

The ability to assign specific geographical indicators such as state, city, region, or county, to the main SERP or Search Engine Results Page, is quite revolutionary. In fact, it drives prospective clients directly to your electronic local shingle. This function works well with both your online website and your mobile capabilities.

The following suggestions could prove beneficial as you increase both your online presence and your client base.

  • Incorporating Geographical Content: This allows you to customize your specific geographical preferences, including your physical location address, Google Maps, or other identifiers that tie you to the community you serve. You can also add geographical meta tags to the header section of your web pages.
  • Utilizing Localized Key Words: These key words add geographical indicators to your product or service keywords. However, make sure to be specific. For example, if you offer family law services in Chicago, define your tag as "Chicago family law attorney" rather than the generic tag, "family law attorney."

Other options to help localize your practice via technology include:

  • Incorporating a Community Driven Blog: This type of blog allows you to incorporate local news and events that are relevant to your practice services. You can invite other non-competitive businesses to add content to your blog, and perhaps highlight a local community member or a short video demonstrating a local achievement.
  • Sprinkling a Few Rich Snippets into the Mix: These rich snippets, or pieces of embedded code, are instrumental in directing traffic to your site, especially when they reference a specific location. Google offers a rich snippet tutorial; however, an experienced online marketing firm, working specifically with the legal industry, can expertly integrate this technological tool into your website.

If you need to heat up the level of your local search optimization strategy, the experienced team at OVC, INC. can help. We understand the importance of captivating your local audience as a means to increase leads and ultimately grow your client base. For a free evaluation of your current website, or to discuss how local search optimization can broaden your borders, contact us at 630-635-8000 today.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many law firms establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.
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