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Branding: The Hot Topic for Attorney Marketing in 2015

 Posted on January 07,2015 in Campaigns

attorney marketing brandingJust what is “branding?” The word has multiple definitions, but for many companies, branding relates to establishing a unique and identifiable name, design or term that allows automatic recognition of a person, place or thing.

For the practicing attorney, branding could mean everything. With the open for business sign flashing on the Internet 24/7, it is more important than ever for attorneys to build a brand to set themselves apart from the competition. Establishing a unique brand in conjunction with all other functioning digital components, an attorney opens the doors to prospective shoppers seeking specific services, backed by an established, recognizable, strong and trusted online presence.

The following suggestions may prove beneficial to learning more about branding before scheduling a consult with a marketing manager or contracted online marketing firm.

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Social Media Marketing: What to Expect in 2015

 Posted on December 29,2014 in Campaigns

social media marketing in 2015As 2014 rapidly approaches its expiration date, members of the legal industry may be exhaling a collective sigh of relief. For those who tested the waters of social media marketing as a means to cultivate clients this year, perhaps now is the time to look forward to a minute or two and catch your breath before planning for 2015.

With the release of the 2014 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, the Social Media Examiner reviews the marketing trends of 2014 and forecasts that an increase in use of the following platforms should be evident throughout all 2015 marketing campaigns:

  • Blogs,
  • Facebook,
  • LinkedIn,
  • Twitter, and
  • YouTube.

Although the utilization of these platforms have likely infiltrated the majority of all successful 2014 marketing plans, the continuation of branding through timely and relevant content as a means to reach a targeted demographic may be the most significant trend in social media marketing for 2015.

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OVC, INC. Lawyer Marketing Launches New Photography Services for Attorney Clients

 Posted on December 17,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

Chicago lawyer photo studio, lawyer marketing

OVC, INC., a website development company specializing in law firm marketing, begins a new photography venture. The business celebrates by sponsoring a local event for the DuPage County Bar Foundation.

Lawyer marketing company OVC, INC., located in Wheaton, Illinois, announces new photography services dedicated to providing client headshots and high-quality images for website design.

OVC, devoted to providing high-quality and specialized attention to attorney clients, has taken their commitment to the next level with the launch of a new in-office photo studio. Equipped with high-definition cameras, sleek backdrops, professional lighting, and an expert photographer, OVC now offers the additional photography services to clients that purchase website packages or those looking to update their online resume.

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Leveraging Social Advertising for Attorneys

 Posted on December 09,2014 in Campaigns

social advertisingSocial media marketing has no intention of losing pace in today’s fast world of technological brand building and marketing. As the Social Media Examiner reports, the lure of social media remains an intriguing fascination for the U.S. consumer, who spend at least 37 minutes per day on either Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

The lure remains so strong that 57 percent of all online marketers relied heavily on the placement of social media ads in 2013, with numbers expected to rise by 23 percent by the end of 2014.

The legal community is not immune to this trend. According to the 2013 American Bar Association Technology Reportsocial media marketing utilized by all levels of practicing attorneys is becoming more important than ever. No longer is social media a mere concept, but law firms are working to create an effective marketing plan involving social advertising to increase leads and grow practices.

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Class-Action Lawsuit Questions LinkedIn’s Validity Under the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act

 Posted on December 03,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

LinkedIn class action lawsuitA small force of four has waged war against LinkedIn, perhaps the largest web-based professional network to inhabit the Internet. The social network currently has nearly 300 million registered users. The recent class-action lawsuit, filed mid-October in California, alleges the professional social media network dedicated to employment networking violated consumer protection laws as mandated under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The basis of the suit targets LinkedIn’s reference search option that provides  premium level account holders with instant access to a report listing of possible “off the record” references of fellow LinkedIn members with only one swift click of a mouse.

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Social Media Marketing Obstacles Solo Practicing Attorneys Face

 Posted on November 26,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

attorney social media marketingSolo practicing attorneys often enjoy educational and technological tools an American Bar Association (ABA) membership provides them and their larger firm colleagues. However, they may lack a highly skilled in-house marketing team, leaving them flying solo when it comes to hurdling the obstacles of social media marketing.

If you fall under this classification, identifying obstacles in social media marketing can help you overcome them.

Time Management

If you are a solo or small firm attorney, no doubt you understand the limitations of time. Non-billable services, such as constructing and maintaining a comprehensive marketing campaign, can feel like time wasted. However, establishing a marketing plan early on can save you time in the end and, ultimately, result in improving your reputation.

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Local Search and Google Places for Lawyers

 Posted on November 17,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

google places for lawyersWhen Google, the global leader of online marketing introduced Google Places in 2010, it was estimated that one out of every five Google searches were based on geographical preferences. To answer the call, Google rolled out the program to assist businesses and to "localize" Google.

Fast forward, almost five years later, the growing dependence on smartphones, via Google Android and iPhone, has skyrocketed, making it even more evident that you should be utilizing Google Places to anticipate a prospective client’s electronic request when seeking a centrally located attorney.

Statistically, all electronic search activity is heavily reliable on Google content as a means to locate professional services. As Google continues to develop effective methods of local search optimization via the rollout of Hotpot, a collaborative incorporation of Hotpot and Google Places, to establish search engine rankings as a viable indicator for prospective clients surfing the local marketplace.

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Attorney Branding: Understanding Your Niche

 Posted on October 21,2014 in Campaigns

attorney brandingThe concept of branding can seem abstract to the most educated professional. As an attorney, branding might also be the last thing on your mind. However, it is imperative you consider your personal brand in order to obtain clients that fit your skill set and help you meet your professional goals.

The following tips from the American Bar Association may help you consider the possibilities branding might have for your practice.


Where do you rank in comparison to your competition? What type of geographic area does your law firm represent, and does this align with your goals? Reviewing your current law firm website can help you answer these questions and more as you determine what kind of branding your law firm requires. Setting up a branding strategy narrows down your focus to your most key practice areas so you may decide which ones you want to be most known for not only among your peers, but among clients as well.

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Creating a Productive Social Media Marketing Campaign

 Posted on October 14,2014 in Campaigns

social media campaignAccording to U.S. News & World Report Money, it is still advantageous to choose the legal profession as a viable career option. The legal industry ranked as number 51 on the publication’s The 100 Best Jobs report.

With a projected growth rate of 10 percent, The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates 74,800 legal positions will need filled by 2022. As a seasoned attorney, how should you manage a social media marketing campaign to ensure a high rate of productivity amongst the influx of tech savvy new attorneys?

For novice attorneys, the practice of engaging prospective clients via Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn or Twitter remains high on the social media marketing checklist, but understanding the analytics behind the programs may require a consultation with an experienced social media marketing firm dedicated to the legal industry.

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Tips to Avoiding Google’s Duplicate Content Penalty

 Posted on October 07,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

duplicate contentKeeping abreast of your digital marketing campaign can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to maintaining originality and avoiding an infraction of Google’s duplicate content penalty guidelines. By establishing specific content guidelines, Google’s message is clear: keep your website content original. Not only will you stay one step ahead of your competitors in the legal profession, but you will fly clear of Google’s internal radar.

As defined by Google, duplicate content generally refers to a series of content blocks that either mirror other content areas or contain similar attributes of content published to other legal sites. Although not malicious in nature, Google cites the following examples as possible offenses:

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