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Optimize Your Website to Create a Better User Experience

 Posted on March 16,2015 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

Web design, content marketing, OVC Lawyer MarketingHave you ever been trying to find the website for a local business only to locate a page that looks like it was uploaded before Google launched in 1998?  Your reaction was probably similar to that of most other potential customers: confusion and a strong likelihood of taking their business elsewhere. Regardless of the quality of service or products offered by your firm, the modern digital landscape requires a strong, visible presence. Weak and outdated sites project to potential clients a lack of vision and forward thinking. Optimizing your site, on the other hand, can provide your prospective clients with a user experience that not only captures their attention online, but leads them directly to your office door.

Business owners need to keep in mind that website optimization is not a checklist of tasks to be completed once and tossed aside. It is a dynamic, ongoing process that must continually evolve to keep your site at the forefront of your industry. While there are certain ways to optimize a website for a specific target audience depending on a company’s primary focus, marketing experts generally agree on several main considerations for any successful business website.

Speed Up Your Site

Load time and navigational speed on particular site have a direct impact on potential clients’ user experience. Slower-performing sites and longer load times decreases the amount of time an average user spends on a page, leading to less potential-to-actual client conversion. There are various tools and strategies available for both back- and front-end improvements that can streamline a website and increase user satisfaction.

Design with Mobile in Mind

An estimated 60 percent or more of all web-related activity is now being conducted from a mobile device. Websites that do not account for mobile traffic are poised to miss a large number of potential clients. By considering mobile optimization beginning with the conceptual phase of site design, the final product can utilize features and technology to provide mobile users with the same information and ease of use available on a desktop computer. In one example from the hospitality industry, optimizing and integrating a website for better mobile use, among other considerations, led to almost 700 percent more visitors and a $100,000 increase in online revenue.

Strong, Appropriate Call to Action

An optimized website encourages potential clients to take the next step in creating a business relationship. On some sites, customers can start a free product trial, for example, while most attorney sites direct clients to set up a consultation. Research indicates that appropriate directions, coloring, and positioning of a call to action button or link, can increase conversions by up to 300 percent.

Engaging Content

The best website design in the world cannot overcome poor content. Pages which are informative and interesting, in addition to being eye pleasing, keep users’ attention and increase average time spent on the site. Formatting and visual design can help present visitors with the information they need to make an informed decision about becoming a client. Concise descriptions of what the company offers, along with separate sections for blogs or testimonials can greatly optimize user experience, attracting new clients for your firm.

Enlist the Help of Optimizing Professionals

When hiring a company to optimize your website, you want qualified professionals with a proven track record of success. Since 2008, we have been providing state-of-the-art online marketing services to attorneys looking to effectively grow their practices. Our experienced web design team is ready to help you transform your website into a true client resource and improve your firm’s digital footprint. Call OVC, INC. at 630-635-8000 today to schedule a consultation.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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