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The Mythical Land of Search Engine Optimization: Separating Fact from Fiction

 Posted on June 11,2014 in Search Engine Marketing

seo-marketing-for-lawyersPerhaps the recent article posted by Small Business Trends says it best: the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) culture is wrought with mystical and misleading myths. As social media marketing evolves these tall tales not only continue but beg to be debunked as they may thwart your efforts of building and maintaining an effective social media marketing campaign fueled by SEO optimization.

For those in the legal community and just beginning to build their social media marketing platform, do not be fooled by the folklore dismissing the importance of SEO to increase your online presence while also directing traffic to your website. The days of cold calling and slinging slogans is long gone and concentrating on SEO and all aspects of social media marketing are your future.

Often these misguided myths are posted across blogs and forums resulting in misinterpretation of the facts. No time like the present to debunk seven of the top contenders.

Myth Number One – Social Media Covers It All

Although this myth has been popular for years, it could not be further from the truth. Although this myth suggests that social media is the new SEO, it is not. Although engaging in social media marketing to enhance your online presence is important, true Search Engine Optimization is one of the best methods to increasing your rankings as well as expanding your target audience.

Myth Number Two – Google's Authorship Markup

Google introduced this function in 2011 as a method to encourage publishing to a user's profile page resulting in enhanced methods of tracking published information online. The myth-makers began wondering if Google was tracking and rewarding the best of the bunch with better rankings. Little to no evidence of this has yet to support this myth.

Myth Number Three – Google is Broken

This may be one of the most popular myths with the technology community buzzing that Google's SEO function is damaged. Not so, Google's market share holds steady both domestically and internally and still remains a leader among SEO giants.

Myth Number Four – Google's Code Cracked

With the advent of correlation studies publishing search engine ranking factors there has been a rise in the assumption that these studies crack Google's algorithm as public knowledge. To dismiss this myth, one has to remember that these studies are just that, studies and do include any of the tested factors actually used the global internet leader.

Myth Number Five – Good Content Rules

This is a fairly new arrival of the myth battalion. Stemming from the SEO mistrials of the past, it may hold true that while writing great content is part of the plan, you still need the functionality of employing Google or another SEO provider to assist with directing traffic to your website via keywords. Also the ranking of algorithms still rely on inbound links as a major ranking indicator.

Myth Number Six – Link Signals are Extinct

The use of Link Signals in the ranking game remains strong and it is not being disbanded anytime soon. According to Google an alternative option, without ranking signals, was tested but abandoned. Until Google or other SEO providers find an alternative, Link Signals will remain part of the plan.

Myth Number Seven – No Vacancy for Guest Posts

This is the newest myth in circulation and possibly the most outlandish. The idea of rescinding an invitation or by vowing to discontinue your contributions is probably not in your best interest. If you are diligent in reviewing all guest content continue with the process. Although it does directly impact your SEO plan, the interchanging of reputable guest posts remains viable to achieve additional links to your site.

Debunking these top seven myths is only the beginning. There are many more in circulation and there will certainly be many more as online marketing becomes legend of 21st century advertising. If you have questions on separating fact from fiction contact the experienced team of OVC, INC. Since 2008, we have been assisting the legal industry with exceptional tactics to build legendary online marketing campaign for lawyers. We offer a free review of your website and are available to discuss all of your SEO and social media marketing questions. Contact us today and begin building your legendary online marketing campaign today.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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