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The Times They are a Changin’: Google's Hummingbird Incorporates Public Relations Value into Legal Online Marketing

 Posted on May 08,2014 in Search Engine Marketing

digital marketingAs Bob Dylan once sang, "The times they are a changin’." Attorneys view their social media marketing and Public Relations (PR) campaigns differently as Google redefines its search engine optimization (SEO) algorithms.

According to Search Engine Land, with the release of Google's Hummingbird update, page ranking is no longer the preferred method of boosting website visibility. Hummingbird provides the end-user with quality not quantity of search results relying less on key words, internal links and content rankings.

So how should the legal community approach this new turn of events?

As we previously discussed in our article, "Social Media Marketing Now Gracing the Legal Industry's Welcome Mat," legal firms are now realizing the benefits of hiring an internal media specialist or for the smaller or solo attorney, a qualified online marketing firm to incorporate a PR viewpoint into social media campaigns. With Google’s game changing algorithm following suit would be advantageous for some of the reasons stated below:

The PR Factor

The benefits of establishing key network players such as journalists, bloggers and a strong SEO professional can effectively increase an attorney's online presence. With the advent of the new algorithm it is key to view your Internet content from a public relations standpoint. It appears the winds are shifting towards establishing a human relationship and reacting quickly to real-time public relations opportunities.

The Content Factor

As in all social media campaigns, content still remains a key player. Quantity is not the desired outcome, quality of content is. Content has always been a mainstay of an exceptionally executed PR campaign and should be incorporated into your online presence on a daily basis to remain fresh and attractive to incoming internet traffic. As always, your goal or the goal of your media specialist or online marketing firm is to keep your target audience engaged and coming back for more. You can achieve this by incorporating surveys, blogs, videos, professional images to increase your SEO value.

The Networking Factor

As many attorneys may be walking toward their marketing departments or preparing to contact their online marketing firms, keep one key factor in mind. The team at Google is constantly working on new methods of improving the value of a link. The new challenge is for your social media content to pass quickly past the web spam team at Google. Your goal is to present your content in a way that attracts and interests your target audience. It is all about the presentation of quality content. It may be best not to mention any links at all but to increase visibility by keeping your profile timely and to engage your target audience to drive the referral traffic you are seeking.

The Optimization Factor

From a pure PR standpoint, social media factors such as a well written press release can ensure internet visibility success under the new algorithm equation.It may be difficult at first not only to ensure and maintain a successful social media program but now it becomes a vehicle that can bring you or your firm additional PR opportunities to increase your bottom line if followed through with accuracy and interest. Try incorporating other social media vehicles such as Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn to further facilitate networking possibilities.

The Concluding Factor

We may hear Dylan's tune over and over again as the social media market expands into the vast universe of what we know as the internet. It is inevitable. With Google changing how end-users receive and view your social media content now relies heavily on your social media skills as well as incorporating the basics of PR 101. Always keep your target audience in mind and present your information in a way that will open the doors to PR opportunities. The goal is to increase your networking sphere by creating lasting online relationships but by also creating interesting and valuable PR opportunities to engage your target audience to capture prospective clients.

The internet remains a constant in our lives. We are more connected than ever. As Google, works to increase the effectiveness of the internet by relying heavily on quality not quantity, attorneys are facing the challenge of now incorporating old school PR value into their social media marketing programs. The skilled team of OVC, INC. can help you understand and build a sound strategy to do just that. Since 2008, we have been building relationships to not only improve your SEO optimization but we can enlist our experienced team to factor in the PR value of your online presence to achieve a high rate of return on your investment. Contact us for a free evaluation of your website today.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many law firms establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.
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