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Year-End Marketing Review and Looking Ahead

 Posted on December 30,2016 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

OVC Lawyer MarketingThe world of online marketing and digital technology is constantly evolving. Any entrepreneur or company that fails to keep up with the changes will quickly be left behind. But, is it even possible to stay on top of such advancements? It may be a little ambitious to expect anyone to revamp their marketing strategies every time Google makes a minor adjustment to it search algorithm, for example, but it is vital to the long-term health of your business to stay abreast of search engine updates. At the very least, you must be aware of the direction of larger trends that are increasingly evident.

Mobile-First Priorities

As 2016 draws to a close, we can now look back on the year that was with a measure of big-picture perspective. Over the last 12 months, Google and other internet leaders have made one thing abundantly clear: mobile-friendliness is no longer an option, is it a necessity. The trend of rewarding mobile-friendly websites began several years ago, but search engines were still largely designed to facilitate desktop searches. Throughout 2016, Google made several mobile-related updates to its search engine algorithms and continued a serious push of the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project to improve site performance on smartphones and tablets.

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