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Why You Need an Attorney Blog on Your Law Firm’s Website

 Posted on February 12,2020 in Blogs

benefits of blogging for attorneysMost law firms understand that they should have a high-quality website that provides information about their services, their attorneys, and the benefits they can provide to clients. However, building and launching a website is only one part of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. A law firm can increase their website traffic and improve search rankings by regularly publishing blogs that provide value for potential clients. Some of the benefits of blogging include:

Build Trust and Credibility

With a regularly updated blog, you can discuss the legal issues that you address every day when working with your clients. By answering the questions that you are regularly asked and explaining how the law applies in the situations you commonly encounter, you can demonstrate that you have the knowledge and understanding that your clients need. Publishing blogs on a regular basis will allow you to continually expand the helpful information on your site and provide people with knowledge of the legal issues that may affect them while showing that you can help them solve their problems. 

Improve SEO

The purpose of your website is to attract potential clients and encourage them to contact you when they need legal representation. These clients will not be able to find your site unless it shows up in search results pages on Google or other search engines. While building a website with quality content is the first step that will help you show up in search results, publishing blogs on your website is a great way to increase your search rankings and make sure more people can find you.

However, simply posting updates on your blog is not enough to increase your search rankings. Your blogs should answer people’s questions and include the search terms that they are looking for. They should also be well-written and easy to understand, providing people with a quality experience and letting them know what steps they should take next to address their legal issues.

Provide Fresh, Engaging Content

In addition to providing helpful legal information to people who are searching for it, your blog can ensure that your site remains up to date on the legal issues your clients face. You can address changes to the law that may affect your clients or discuss the role your area of law plays in local, state, or national news stories. Your blog can demonstrate that you stay abreast of the ongoing changes and developments in the legal field, and it can help you engage with current and potential clients and demonstrate how you can address their legal issues.

Contact Our Digital Marketing Experts

If you are looking to improve your digital marketing strategy through an attorney blog, OVC, INC. can help you understand the best ways to do so. We have written and published blogs for hundreds of attorneys, and we understand how to use blogs to improve SEO and connect with potential clients. To learn more about our blogging and online marketing services, contact us today at 630-6535-8000.

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