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Why Social Media Marketing Works

 Posted on March 30,2016 in Social Media Marketing

social media marketing, OVC Online Marketing for LawyersIf you are like many business owners, you have probably tried various ways of building name recognition and engaging prospective customers. You may have paid for billboards or television ads, or spent time and energy designing printed marketing materials. Many of these “tried and true” advertising efforts often do not deliver the results you expect, especially as more and more consumers have not picked up a physical magazine or newspaper in months and are using digital technology to skip TV commercials. This is precisely why business owners and entrepreneurs are increasingly looking online—and particularly to social media outlets—for new ways to spread the message about their companies. There are many reasons that social media marketing can work for you, but the simplest are often the most important.

You Go to Your Audience

It is easy to convince yourself that when potential customers need services like those offered by your company, they will go looking on their own and eventually find you. While this may be to true, to an extent, your marketing strategy should not consist primarily of “wait until we are found.” Instead, social media marketing allows you to meet prospective clients where they are—and if numbers be trusted, they are most definitely on social media. This year, Facebook reached 1.5 billion—yes, billion with a “b”—active monthly visitors. Instagram boasts some 400 million active users while Twitter has about 320 million. These numbers undoubtedly include your clients of tomorrow and tailoring your marketing efforts to take your message to them is the first step.

You Become a Part of the Conversation

Virtually nobody is interested in a marketing campaign that beats would-be clients over the head with constant demands to “buy now!” When you become an active part of the social media community, however, and participate in discussions about more than just your latest sales pitch, you can quickly build trust and brand recognition among other users. Of course, most regular social media users can spot insincere or phony efforts to connect with them, so it is important to be honest and real in conversations, even if they are not related to your brand specifically. Share and comment on local-interest stories, promote charities and other organizations, and be accessible to others, and you will gain credibility very quickly.

You Make Your Brand Mobile

The days of waiting until you get home to check your email and your Facebook are long gone. Today, most social media activity takes place on smartphones and other mobile devices. For business owners, that is great news, because it means that, when you utilize social media marketing properly, your information is quickly accessible to prospective clients at any hour of the day, wherever they may be. You could be having a social media discussion with someone about your available services while you are eating lunch, and while he or she is on the train to work. The world has become increasingly mobile, and your brand can be too with a smartly-designed social media marketing campaign.

Developing a sound strategy for expanding your company’s reach through social media marketing can be challenging, especially if you are not sure where to begin. That is why it is important to work with the experienced professionals at OVC, INC. Our team has been providing state-of-the-art marketing solutions to attorneys and law firms nationwide since 2008, and we are ready to provide the assistance you need in establishing a strong social media presence. Call 630-635-8000 today learn more about the products and services we offer.





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