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Why Attorneys Should Work With a Professional Content Writing Team

 Posted on February 25,2021 in Website Content

website blog content writing for attorneysAs more and more people spend a great deal of their time online, any attorney or law firm that wants to connect with clients should remember the often-repeated advice that “content is king.” Providing helpful, informative, up-to-date content on your website and other marketing channels will ensure that people can find you in online searches, and well-written content will increase the likelihood that potential clients will reach out to you to learn about your services. The best way to make sure you are offering the right information in the right way is to work with a content writing team that is experienced in creating and publishing content such as websites, blogs, and social media posts for attorneys.

Why Do I Need a Content Writer?

As an experienced lawyer, you may feel that it is unnecessary to work with outside writers when creating website pages or publishing blogs. After all, you understand the law, and you regularly explain legal issues to your clients, so you should be able to put together descriptions of your services and practice areas. However, when it comes to online content, there are a variety of issues and concerns that you may not know about. A content writing team can make sure your content is tailored to your needs while also providing the information that people are looking for.

Some benefits that a professional content writer can provide include:

  • Providing clear, concise explanations - Ideally, every page of your website should serve as a “gateway” for potential visitors. This means that content should fully explain the topic a page focuses on while also providing information about your firm and letting people know how you can help them address their legal issues. An experienced content writing team can make sure information is presented in a way that is easy to understand while providing a “call to action” to encourage people to contact your firm and hire you to meet their legal needs.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) - In addition to creating content that is helpful and informative, you will need to be sure people will be able to find this content when searching online. A professional content writer can make sure content is optimized to show up in searches by people who are looking for the services your firm provides, while targeting people within your area or in a certain geographic region. Writers who are experienced in SEO can also make sure the right “behind the scenes” data is included that will increase the likelihood that people will click on your site when it shows up in search results pages.

  • Avoiding duplicate content - All content on a website should be unique, and a site may be penalized in search results if any pages include content that is copied from another website or even if two pages on the same site are too similar. Professional content writers can use tools to ensure that each website page and blog contains unique information.

  • Regular updates - In addition to building a website that provides the information potential clients are looking for, you will want to make sure this information is up to date. A content writing team can keep abreast of changes in the law and update your site when needed to make sure the information is accurate. By working with you to regularly publish blogs, writers can expand on the information you provide, address timely topics, and continue to target the searches people are performing and answer their questions.

Contact Our Content Writing Professionals

By working with an experienced content writing team, you can make sure you are taking the right steps to connect with clients who are looking for your services. At OVC, INC, our professionals can help you create a complete digital marketing strategy that meets your needs. To learn more about our services, contact our online marketing experts at 630-635-8000.

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