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What You Need to Know About Registering Your Website’s Domain Name

 Posted on October 27,2021 in New Websites

Website domain registrationEvery website has an address known as a domain name. A domain name usually takes the form of www.yoursitename.com, and a website owner will need to make sure they maintain ownership of their domain name so that anyone who types that address into their internet browser will be directed to their website. 

As part of our website development services, we help our clients register new domain names, and we also ensure that they renew their domain names when necessary. Recently, we have found that some people have begun receiving notices in the mail that appear to be bills requiring them to pay a certain amount in order to maintain ownership of their domain names. These notices usually contain language such as “To ensure listing of your website, please submit payment by [DATE].” These letters can be very misleading, and they may cause website owners to worry that they will lose their domain name, causing their site to go down. To address confusion about this issue, we wanted to explain exactly what domain names are and how website owners can make sure they can maintain ownership of their site’s internet address.

What Is a Domain Name?

A website will have an address that can be typed into a browser in order to load the site. This address is known as a domain name, and it will consist of a string of characters followed by a domain extension such as .com or .net. Most domain names also use the prefix of www, although other types of prefixes may be used to create subdomains that direct users to specific sections of a website.

A website owner will need to register their domain name through a service known as a registrar. These include sites such as GoDaddy, Register.com, or Network Solutions. When a person registers a domain, they will reserve the exclusive right to use that domain for a certain period of time. In many cases, domains will be registered for one year, and they can be renewed before the registration expires.

After registering a domain name, the owner can enter settings that will link the domain name to a specific IP address. This address is the location of the server where the website is hosted. A service known as DNS will ensure that everyone who types the domain name into their internet browser will be directed to that IP address, allowing them to load and navigate the website.

Can I Lose My Domain Name?

If your domain name is not renewed before the registration expires, you could lose ownership of the domain name. Another person or company may register an expired domain name, and they may not be willing to return ownership of the domain name to you unless you pay a certain amount of money. Fortunately, this can be avoided by renewing a domain name well before it expires.

Domain name renewals can be completed through the registrar where the domain name was originally registered. A registrar will send notice before a domain name expires, ensuring that you will be able to complete a renewal without any issues. If you receive a notice from someone else, such as one of the letters described above, this is most likely a scam. Only you and your registrar control your domain name, so another party cannot take ownership of your domain name and cause your website to go down.

Contact Our Website Development Experts

At OVC, INC., we make sure domain names are used correctly in the websites we develop and host. If you have questions about your website’s domain name, or if you want to learn how we can help you create a new website and develop a successful digital marketing strategy, contact us at 630-635-8000.

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