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Online Marketing 101: What is SEO?

 Posted on October 23,2015 in Search Engine Optimization

seo, search engine optimization, Online Marketing for LawyersWhen you were a child, you probably asked your parents dozens of questions every day. As you got older and your questions more complex, you likely heard the phrase “look it up” quite often. Within the last two decades, “look it up” has been replaced with the more futuristic-sounding directive, “Google it,” as people from all walks of life now turn to the Internet as primary source of reliable information. Google and other search engines each utilize a unique method of sorting through the millions upon millions of available web pages to present searchers with a list of the most relevant results. But, how can you can convince Google that your page is relevant to a particular search? The answer lies in the efficient, strategic application of a process called Search Engine Optimization, or SEO.

Search Engine Algorithms

All search engines use complicated formulas for determining search relevance known as an algorithm. The algorithms for all of the various search engines, although often similar, are all different. Google, who made big news this past spring when the company updated its search algorithm to reward mobile-friendly sites, uses a different formula than Bing, who uses a different one than Yahoo, and so on. Once a query or search term is entered, the search engine analyzes millions of pages in just a few milliseconds, comparing various elements of each page to the sort of rubric established by its algorithm.

Keywords, location, distance, site design, updates, outbound and inbound links, and dozens of other factors are weighed against those found on other sites, and the pages are ranked by their relevance. Higher rankings, as you might expect, are rewarded with more traffic from searchers looking for answers and information.

Search Engine Optimization

Commercial web sites, especially those looking to drive customer traffic, always want to remain at the top of search results. In order to do so, web designers employ SEO techniques that give the site a large number of the qualities considered to be important by search engines. Everything from basic site structure, to mobile-friendliness, formatting, and the usefulness of the information provided can matter greatly in search rankings.

While the basics of SEO are relatively simple, using it effectively takes skill, experience, and technical understanding. SEO professionals understand that the right SEO decisions can vault your site to the top of rankings quickly, but mistakes can bury your site and are often difficult to overcome. The most popular websites incorporate SEO from the earliest planning stages all the way through launch and beyond. Proper deployment of SEO requires careful attention to detail and a willingness to evolve as the Internet continues to grow and change.

Marketing and SEO Professionals

If you would like to learn more about increasing your online visibility and performance on search ranking lists, contact OVC, INC. today. Since 2008, we have been providing state-of-the-art marketing services to attorneys and law firms across the country. We can develop and implement as SEO strategy that will help your office rise above the competition and drive more traffic to your site than you may have thought possible. Call 630-635-8000 to schedule a consultation.







Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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