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What Is E-E-A-T, and How Does it Affect Google Search Rankings?

 Posted on September 18,2023 in SEO

b2ap3_thumbnail_Untitled---2023-09-18T084830.949.jpgWhen it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), there are various factors that affect how well a website ranks on Google. One important guideline that Google has identified is E-E-A-T, which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. By understanding how these factors may influence SEO, website owners can make sure they will be able to connect with people who are searching for their products or services.

The Importance of E-E-A-T for Law Firm Websites

E-E-A-T is an essential aspect of the quality evaluation process used by Google's ranking algorithm. It helps determine whether a website provides reliable and trustworthy information to users. Websites with high levels of experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Google aims to provide the most accurate and relevant information to its users. By considering the quality of the content on websites and how well this content meets the needs of people who are performing online searches, Google search results can highlight relevant information and point people toward getting the answers they are looking for. It is important for website owners to understand how to make sure they can demonstrate E-E-A-T so that they can rank well in Google searches.


Google will be looking to make sure a website’s content indicates that a company or firm has the necessary experience to meet people’s needs. For law firms, a website can highlight the level of experience that an attorney or attorney has representing clients in different practice areas. Website content can inform people about the number of years an attorney has been practicing law while highlighting the types of cases they have assisted with.


In terms of SEO, expertise refers to demonstrating knowledge in a specific field or topic. A website’s content should provide detailed information that is helpful for people who are searching for these topics. Law firms can ensure that their website content demonstrates expertise effectively by creating informative articles related to their practice areas. Website pages and blog posts can demonstrate an understanding of complex subjects while showcasing thought leadership.


A law firm website can demonstrate that it is a reliable source of information by establishing that the firm’s attorneys are recognized as leading figures in their respective fields. Authoritativeness can be demonstrated by displaying awards, recognitions, certifications, and memberships in prestigious associations or groups relevant to a firm’s practice areas. A website can also describe case results showing that a firm has successfully represented clients and helped them achieve their goals as they address different types of legal issues.


This is the most important aspect of E-E-A-T, and it is related to how well people can rely on a website to provide reliable, helpful information. Experience, expertise, and authoritativeness all play a role in establishing trust. In addition to providing well-written, informative content, a law firm website can include information showing why its attorneys are trusted to provide quality services, such as client testimonials and reviews.

Contact Our SEO Professionals

At OVC, INC., we understand the ins and outs of SEO for law firm and attorney websites. We make sure to follow the principles of E-E-A-T when creating content and blogs and designing sites that will rank well in search results. If you want to know more about how we can help you develop a website that will allow you to connect with prospective clients, contact our search engine optimization experts at 630-635-8000.

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