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Optimizing User Experience Is Key to Video Marketing

 Posted on June 23,2016 in Online Videos

OVC Lawyer MarketingWhen you are developing a strategy for any type of online marketing, you will constantly be told that you need to provide the best possible user experience for your visitors and prospective clients. While the idea sounds simple enough, it does raise the question: what does “user experience” mean? User experience is conventionally defined as a “person’s perception and responses resulting from the use and/or anticipated use of a product, system, or service.” Optimizing user experience, therefore, will depend on the objectives you hope to achieve with your marketing campaign and the combination of media you choose to deliver your message.

The immense popularity of YouTube, Vine, and similar outlets indicates that importance of strong video marketing cannot be overstated. In fact, according to at least one study, the chances of getting a first-page Google search ranking for your site increases by more than 50 times when you effectively use videos. Creating and using video should also be done with the user experience in mind, and there are a few things you and your marketing team can do to help meet your goals.

Be Specific and Include Related Content

A stand-alone video may look nice, but without supporting related content, it may not drive traffic the way you hope. Choosing a topic with specific purpose, based on your needs, is crucial. Are you trying to generate leads or are you sharing information about a new product or service? Is a particular video more about trust and image or is it just to increase your digital presence? Whatever you decide, surround and support your video with related content so that users will follow a natural progression toward doing what you want of them.

Dynamic Searches

Have you ever come across an online video with a caption that tells you to skip to a certain point in the video to access the intended portion? Today’s technology allows you to direct your viewers directly to the most important moments in a video much more easily using time-coded tools and metadata. Your viewers can also better navigate within a video, and share with less hassle to social media outlets, exponentially expanding your reach.

Strong Call to Action

Whether your selected format is “on-camera”—you or another person from your company delivering your message on screen—or “off-camera,” which can include graphics and animation, all effective marketing videos include encouraging the viewer to do something in response. This is known as a call to action or CTA. The CTA of your video could be asking viewers to “Like” or “Share” the video, or maybe to call your office for an appointment. There are even tools available that can turn a more complicated expected action into a one-click operation, directly from your video—e.g. “Click now to chat with a representative.”

Work With Video Marketing Professionals

At OVC, INC., we understand the power of online video, and we know how to make the medium work for your firm. Since 2008, we have offered state-of-the-art marketing services to lawyers nationwide, including dynamic, effective video content. To learn more about how video could help your company grow, call us today at 630-635-8000.






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