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Do Not Forget Twitter in Your Marketing Strategy

 Posted on June 12,2015 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

twitter, social media, OVC Marketing for LawyersWhen you are looking to build your brand and grow your business, you want to explore every possible avenue for success. Your current customers may understand that you provide high-quality services and are committed to their satisfaction, but in today’s world, that is only the beginning. Building an online presence is vital to attracting new clients and helping them to understand why they should be doing business with you. Effective use of social media should be a large part of any strong digital marketing campaign, and, while Facebook may be the world’s largest social networking site, Twitter may offer a number of advantages as well.

A Brief History of Twitter

In 2006, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey sent the world’s first tweet: “just setting up my twttr”, and the service was born. Originally designed as one of the first truly mobile social media platforms, Twitter was intended to be SMS-based meaning it was to utilize the same Short Message Service technology as text messaging. Twitter’s 140 character limitation is a creative holdover from its SMS-based design, but the constraint has been credited as the inspiration for the emergence of one of pop culture’s most recognizable icons, the hashtag (#).

Today, Twitter boasts nearly 290 million monthly active users. It has evolved into what many call a “micro-blogging” platform that allows for millions of interactions every day. While Facebook may have more users, businesses who choose to market on Twitter may realize the benefits of doing so very quickly.

What Twitter Can Offer

As you develop your social media strategy, you need to consider the strengths of each platform you intend to utilize. On Twitter, speed and ease of communication are the most noteworthy. For a business owner, these factors can allow:

  • Direct customer access: You need to be where people are and a great many are on Twitter. In addition, those who are on are likely to engage with the content they see and read. Facebook lends itself to easy, passive browsing while Twitter is a dynamic conversation. An unsatisfied customer will let you know on Twitter, giving you the opportunity to participate in the exchange;
  • Establishment of a professional identity: Your brand is obviously a large part of your company, but so are you. Twitter allows potential clients to associate your company and your personality. Sharing personal details is not necessary, of course, but sharing who you are will help prospective customers see your company as more than just an office;
  • Industry and competitor awareness: Twitter’s various tools and features will allow you to remain directly in the middle of conversations about your line of work. You can quickly ascertain the current needs of customers, their opinions toward various companies, and what, if anything, your competitors are doing in response; and
  • Access to influential users: Whether in your own industry, or in some other area of interest, Twitter is full of high-profile users to whom you can reach out. Ask for opinions or just start interesting conversations. Even if they do not respond, retweets by others can still expand your brand.

Of course, the strongest social media campaigns are built by solidly combining all of the appropriate platforms for your company, and understanding how to do that can be challenging. Fortunately, we can help. We are OVC, INC. and since 2008, we have been helping attorneys increase their online presence with innovative marketing solutions. Contact us today at (630) 480-2897 and let us help you build a social media approach that will take your company to the next level.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.
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