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Top Google Searches in 2016 Focus on Music, Money, and Disasters

 Posted on January 17,2017 in Search Engine Optimization

OVC Lawyer MarketingWhen you have a question about something—a current event, an actor in a particular movie, or the artist who wrote the song you just heard—where do you turn? While some people may be perfectly willing to discuss the question with friends until a consensus is reached, most are much more likely to pull out a cell phone and conduct a quick web search. Based on current numbers, a vast majority of these searches will be done through Google.

Staggering Statistics

Did you know that, on average, Google’s search engine handles more than 40,000 queries every second? That equates to 3.5 billion searches every single day or about one search for every two people on the planet. Over the course of one year, users conduct an astounding 1.2 trillion searches, and Google’s servers keep track of each and every one. The data is very important in improving the search engine’s algorithms and providing better results for future searches. It also, however, provides a glimpse into what people worldwide wanted to learn about in a given period. The internet giant recently released its most popular search terms of 2016, and the results are interesting, to say the least.

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