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Top 5 Tips for Social Media Marketing for Law Firms in 2022

 Posted on June 29,2022 in Social Media

OVC Lawyer marketingDigital technology has provided a multitude of benefits for people in modern society. The internet has become a constant presence in most people’s lives, providing immediate access to a wealth of information and the ability to connect with others at all times. Since much of the time people spend online involves using social media, this provides attorneys and law firms with the opportunity to connect directly with potential clients. By understanding the best ways to use social media, law firms can create a winning strategy that will help them succeed in the competitive online marketplace.

Building an Effective Social Media Strategy

When determining the right approach to take when using social media, a law firm will want to do the following:

  • Determine the target audience - By understanding the types of clients a firm is looking to pursue, it can determine the best channels to use in its social media strategy. A firm that is looking for clients who are older may want to make regular posts on Facebook, or younger audiences may be targeted by using apps such as Instagram or TikTok. 

  • Establish a “voice” - Depending on the types of services a firm provides and the approach an attorney takes to addressing clients’ needs, social media posts may be formal, informal, serious, or humorous. For example, some divorce attorneys may want to emphasize their aggressive approach, while others may want to demonstrate that they can help clients reduce stress and resolve matters amicably. Business law attorneys may wish to emphasize their professionalism and efficiency, while estate planning lawyers may highlight the sense of security that they can provide to their clients. By determining the most appropriate messaging and following a consistent voice, a firm can make sure it is presenting the best image when posting on social media.

  • Consider the types of content to share - There are multiple different ways to provide potential clients with helpful information on social media. A firm may share links to its website, including blog posts, information about practice areas, client success stories, or bio information about different attorneys. Posts may also highlight events, news stories, or other information that affects potential clients. A firm can be creative in the information it shares, such as by creating informative infographics or videos or having an attorney discuss different types of legal issues that clients may encounter.

  • Follow a consistent schedule - One of the best ways to ensure that a law firm is seen on social media is to post consistently. Creating a schedule for sharing information on certain days and times will help a firm maintain a regular presence on the social networks used by its target audience.

  • Interact with people - One of the most important benefits of social media is the ability to directly communicate with people who are looking for legal help. By answering people’s questions, responding to their comments, and reaching out to those who have mentioned certain news stories or legal issues, a firm can build relationships and demonstrate that it can provide the legal services people are looking for.

Contact Our Social Media Marketing Professionals

OVC, INC. works with attorneys and law firms to build effective digital marketing strategies that include social media and multiple other channels. We can help your firm determine the best approach to take when posting on different social networks, and we will work to ensure that you will be able to connect with clients and build your business. Contact our social media experts today at 630-635-8000 to learn more about our online marketing services.

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