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The Dangers of Relying on ChatGPT and AI Content Generation Tools

 Posted on May 31,2023 in Content Marketing

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_2245489175-min.jpgArtificial intelligence (AI) has had a massive impact on many areas of modern life. ChatGPT and other tools used to generate content have benefited people in a variety of situations, although concerns have been raised about whether these tools may replace human writers or be used to pass off AI-generated content as original work. As more people continue to use ChatGPT, the limitations of this technology are becoming clear, and the importance of the human touch is becoming more and more evident.

Legal Case Illustrates the Dangers of AI

Recently, a lawsuit in New York demonstrated the problems of relying on AI. In this case, a man was suing an airline for an injury he suffered when his knee was struck by a serving cart during a flight. His attorneys filed a brief that cited several court decisions that were supposedly relevant to the case. However, it turned out that many of these cases did not actually exist.

One of the lawyers representing the plaintiff had used ChatGPT to perform research when writing the brief, and the program had simply made up the cases that were cited. The attorney, who had not previously used ChatGPT and was unfamiliar with its limitations, claimed that he did not realize that the results generated by the program may be inaccurate. He even queried ChatGPT asking whether the cases were real, and when the program stated that they were real cases that could be found in reputable legal databases, he assumed that this was correct.

This incident was obviously very embarrassing for the attorney in question, and it demonstrates the problems with using ChatGPT or similar tools to generate content. These programs are not research tools or reliable sources of information. What they actually do is generate text by predicting what words should come next based on the instructions provided to them. While the programs "learn" by compiling information from various online sources, there is no guarantee that these sources are accurate or that the results generated will be correct. As we can see from this example, AI tools may fabricate information that appears to be right, but since it is not verified by any reliable sources, it may be completely false.

The Importance of the Human Touch

The legal case described above is only one of the many examples of the unreliability of content generated using AI. Stories abound across the internet of people who have used ChatGPT to write articles, papers, or other types of content without realizing that the information generated was incorrect. This illustrates the importance of verifying the content generated through AI and making sure it conveys the correct message.

In many cases, the best way to use AI is as a supplement to writing and content creation. All content generated using these tools should be fact-checked, proofread, and edited by a person who has knowledge of the topics being discussed and a strong understanding of the purpose of the content being created. This can not only prevent false or misleading information from being published on a website or other locations, but it can also make sure content is targeted to the right audience, worded in a way that is easy to understand, and optimized to be found in online searches.

Contact Our Content Creation Professionals

At OVC, INC., we have found that AI tools can be helpful, but they should not be relied on to automate content creation or other tasks fully. We make sure to verify the accuracy of all website content pages and blogs that we create for our clients, while also making sure the information is well-written and easy to understand. If you have questions about how we can help you create content for your website or blog, contact our digital marketing experts at 630-635-8000.



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