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Testing Your Website’s Mobile-Friendliness

 Posted on January 28,2016 in Mobile-Friendly Sites

mobile friendly, OVC Marketing for LawyersLast year around this time, Google announced plans to release an update to its search engine algorithm that, if the volume of press it received was any indication, shook the world of website design to its very core. The online giant scheduled the upgrade—which quickly became known as “Mobilegeddon”—for mid-April 2015, giving site builders and webmasters just a few short months to prepare. Despite its ominous name, the online world was not ending, of course; instead, the update reflected Google’s recognition of the importance of websites being mobile-friendly, and rewarding those that are with higher placement in search engine results. 

Aftermath of Mobilegeddon

In the months that followed the algorithm update, mobile-friendly websites did, in fact, see a bump in search rankings, which, for many has resulted in increased traffic. Those that are not, conversely, have fallen in search rankings, not as a punishment, but in response to the mobile needs of more and more users. Experts point out that this was exactly what Google promised and, rather than threatening web designers with an ultimatum, the announcement two months prior to the release even offered tips and instructions on how to optimize sites for mobile access. But now the big question is: Is your site mobile-friendly? Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to find out.

Desktop Browser Test

From a desktop or standard laptop computer, navigate to your company’s website. Then, with your mouse or touchpad, click on the right edge of the browser window and drag in toward the center. A responsively designed, or mobile-friendly page will automatically adjust itself to the smaller window, and while some of the page’s content may be hidden, the functionality should remain the same. A non-mobile-friendly site is more likely to show jumbled or confusing content, and to add a horizontal scroll bar to access the remainder of the page.

Site Analysis

There are a number of analytic tools that will run a variety of tests on your site’s scripts and styles to check for mobile-friendliness. If you are most concerned about Google searches, you may want to use the webmaster tools provided by the company itself. Similar analyzers are available from other sources, as well, including Bing and more independent outlets. These tests can not only identify if your site is mobile-friendly, but where improvements may be needed to enhance mobile users’ experience.

See for Yourself

As simple as it may sound, try pulling out your smartphone or tablet and going to your site’s homepage—better yet, do both. Does it look the way you expected it to? Is everything accessible that needs to be? Try to see your site as first-time visitor and make notes on what is working and what is not. This can serve several purposes. First, if your site is not mobile-friendly, you will probably know it rather quickly. Just as importantly, however, even if your website is mobile-friendly, you may not like how it shows up on a mobile device and you can address whatever issues you may find.

Contact Mobile-Friendly Site Professionals

Whether your website needs to be upgraded to meet the needs of mobile users or it is simply time for a site renovation, turn to the team that knows how to get results. Contact OVC, INC. for a no-cost website analysis, and let us start working on a plan to bring your site fully up to date. Since 2008, we have been providing state-of-the-art marketing solutions to attorneys nationwide, and we have become industry leaders in responsive design for mobile-friendly websites. Call 630-635-8000 to learn more about the products and services we offer.






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