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Taking the First Steps in Your Legal Career

 Posted on December 09,2016 in Content Marketing

OVC Lawyer MarketingIf you have recently finished law school and have passed the bar exam, congratulations! You should be proud of your accomplishments. You probably realize, however, that your journey is just beginning. Your entire career as an attorney lies ahead. As you start to move forward, you will have a number of decisions to make, many of which may depend on the opportunities that are available to you. No matter how you choose to proceed, a lawyer needs clients in order to be successful, so increasing your visibility among potential clients must be one of your top priorities.

Choosing to Start Your Own Firm

The first decision you will need to make once you have been admitted to the bar is whether you should join an existing firm—most likely as an associate—or to start your own. In making this decision, you must be objective about your talent and ability to manage an independent practice. Your legal knowledge and skills may be unmatched, but running a firm requires organizational and managerial strengths as well. You must also be willing to do the work necessary to build your business from the ground up by attracting new clients and providing top quality service.

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