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The Surprising Benefits of Negative Reviews

 Posted on June 17,2015 in Campaigns

negative review, reputation management, OVC Marketing for LawyersAt the risk of overusing an already ubiquitous cliché, pleasing everyone all the time is simply not possible. As a business professional, you undoubtedly have seen this principle in action in your own company. You may have a customer-satisfaction rate nearing 98 percent, but the remaining two percent will frequently be very vocal about their displeasure. Those unhappy clients are also much more likely to take to the internet with their frustrations by leaving negative reviews on Google or Yelp. While such reviews may seem like an obstacle for your business to overcome, research indicates that your disgruntled customers may actually be doing you a service.

Over the last few years, several studies have found that there is little to fear from occasional negative online reviews. In fact, many businesses may even realize a variety of benefits from such opinions, when properly handled and addressed. It may be surprising, but it is true: negative reviews can actually increase trust in your company which, in turn, may increase your bottom line.

Name Recognition

A recent study of New York Times book reviews found that the impact of a negative review was dependent on the author’s level of recognition. Well-established authors were likely to feel the sting of a bad review, but relative unknowns saw their sales increased by as much as 45 percent by negative reviews. When applied to other industries, the implications are fairly clear. For a company with little prior visibility, the boost in brand-awareness created by any review, positive or negative, can easily overcome a poor first impression.

Establishment of Trust

Perfect scores are very rare in any field or industry. Prospective customers are certainly aware of this, and are unlikely to believe that every one of your previous clients have only nice things to say. A never-ending list of positive feedback may seem like a good idea, but may actually contribute to a level of doubt regarding their veracity.

Nearly 70 percent of consumers surveyed by Revoo in 2013 reported that they trusted reviews more when both positive and negative opinions were present. More than 90 percent said they were suspicious of companies with no poor ratings. Trust is crucial to any business relationship, often leading to increased sales and brand loyalty.

Opportunity for Growth

While you are likely very proud of your professional image and accomplishments, you probably are aware of some of your shortcomings as well. It can be rather insulting, though, to have them pointed out to you in a negative review. However, by remaining calm and engaging in the discussion, you can convert negative feedback into an advantage.

Do not be afraid to respond to any review, positive or negative. Your unhappy customers may be the best source of information on how to improve your company. It may be difficult, but avoid getting defensive; instead, focus on the substance of the review and assure the customer that you will make every effort to remedy the situation. Most importantly, live up to your promises, as your level of commitment to improving the customer experience will be evident in your actions.

Professional Reputation Management

Many business professionals simply do not have the time to monitor every outlet for potential customer feedback. Reputation management services from OVC, INC., however, can help your company do just that. Our experienced team has been providing online marketing and reputation management services to attorneys’ offices since 2008, and we are equipped to help you protect your brand. Call our office today at 630-635-8000 to schedule a consultation and put our knowledge and skill to work for your business.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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