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Social Media Is a Two-Way Street

 Posted on December 01,2015 in Social Media

social media, social media campaign, OVC Marketing for LawyersWhen you scroll through your Facebook news feed, do any brands or companies in particular catch your attention? Is it the companies that are desperately trying to generate clicks? Probably not, right? More likely, it’s the businesses that engage in the day’s relevant conversations, and subtly remind you that they, like a trusted friend, will be there when you need them. Now think about your own professional presence on social media. Which type of social media marketer are you? Are you constantly asking for likes, retweets, or shares? If you are, it may be time to reconsider your social media strategy, and to develop a softer, more relatable approach.

What Consumers Look For

A prospective client ready to enter into a business relationship is likely to use search engines and online reviews, but he or she may also look through social media for information. It is not uncommon for Facebook or Twitter users to ask their friends for advice on which company to choose. Getting your name into that conversation is the tough part. If you have a vibrant social media home, such a Facebook page with regular updates, your existing, loyal customers are likely to help by suggesting your company when their friends need advice.

Pay Attention and Be Timely

An important aspect of establishing a social media presence is ensuring that your pages and activities are carefully monitored. When a satisfied client mentions you in a post, grateful for the quality services you provided, be sure to acknowledge the comment along with the customer’s importance to your continued success. Conversely, when a dissatisfied customer expresses disappointment in your company, take a moment to analyze what is being said, and use it to improve going forward.

Talk With, Not At, Your Followers

A loyal customer base is most-easily overlooked strength of any social media campaign. If a Facebook or Instagram user has liked or followed your company, he or she is interested in helping you succeed. There are a number of ways that your followers can help you. First, it is very easy to open a dialogue with a group of people who already know and respect your brand. They can offer you a great deal of insight on what similarly-minded people may be looking for, and how to better meet their needs. In addition, by engaging your followers in a conversation, they will be much more likely to recommend you to their friends and associates. No matter how good your products and or services may be, nothing beats the sincere personal testimony of a satisfied client.

Contact the Social Media Professionals

If you are ready to take an honest look at your social media use, we can help. Contact OVC, INC. today for an in-depth analysis of your company’s online presence. We have been providing cutting-edge marketing services to attorneys since 2008 and we are equipped to assist you in developing a social media campaign with clear, reasonable objectives that can help expand your digital footprint. Call 630-635-8000 to speak with a marketing professional who can help put your company on the path to success.






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