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Social Media Marketing Now Gracing the Legal Industry’s Welcome Mat

 Posted on March 12,2014 in Social Media

social media marketingAccording to a recent article published by the The Washington Post, legal firms are realizing the benefits of a well rounded social media marketing campaign. So much so that 20 percent of firms now house a full time media specialist. For smaller firms or solo practice attorneys contracting with a online marketing firm solely for attorneys can provide the same benefits as employing an in-house specialist.

This is truly a notable shift for the risk reluctant legal industry who made their arrival slightly behind the restaurant and retail industries. When the latter was fully participating in the expansive spectrum of the social media arena to promote discounts and product lines, the legal industry was reluctantly contemplating if social media was a profitable way to engage prospective clients before they signed off on the social media RSVP.

So why the hesitation? Attorneys and their firms are somewhat limited. They need to error on the side of caution due to confidentiality issues nor can they promote themselves or their firm through the use of gimmicks or coupon type discounts. The legal industry appeals only to a specific demographic and not the mass market, therefore attorneys face the unique challenge of promoting knowledge and experience as a service rather than offering a discountable, here today, gone tomorrow product line.

There are many viable marketing tools available to attorneys. An in-house marketing meeting or a consultation with an online marketing firm can open a discussion regarding social media and what mode of communication best suits the firm or individual attorney. Opting to begin with a professional and informative website may be the best route. It is also relevant to consider adding timely blogs and updated practice information as you move forward. Even before considering a full out campaign, close attention to detail on your Facebook and LinkedIn pages should have already been scheduled in your daily planner but if you decide to move forward with an online marketing firm it would be advised to have them review all aspects of possible social media already in place.

Google+ offers all attorneys the option of marketing to a specific geographic area and also offers clients the opportunity to rate and leave comments regarding your services. Twitter offers a more personalized option to stay in touch with clients and to answer questions from prospective clients and combined with your website, blog and professional video contributions you will be portraying a hands on approach essential to maintaining and building your client base.

A professional and successful marketing campaign takes time and energy. If you are thinking about building or expanding your online presence now is the time to knock on the door of your firm's media specialist or contact an experienced online marketing firm that has a proven track record working with the legal industry.

The experienced team at OVC, INC. fully understands how confidentiality plays a major role in the creation of a successful online marketing campaign for an attorney. Since 2008, we have been successfully assisting the legal industry as more and more attorneys are testing the waters of social media to increase their online presence and to grow their client base. If you are ready to move forward, contact us for an initial consultation today.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many law firms establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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