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Savvy Social Media Marketing Capitalizes on 11-Year Old TV Joke

 Posted on February 10,2017 in Social Media

OVC lawyer marketingTo the uninformed, the world of social media seems to be dominated by viral videos, political rants, and so-called “trolls” looking for a fight. In short, social media often feels like it is filled with noise. But, as with most things in life, social networks can also offer unique marketing opportunities for those with the knowledge and patience to sort through the veritable jungle of posted opinions and images. Sometimes, openings can arise through the actions of others, making it possible to capitalize on the opportunities they present—if you have the knowledge and skill to act quickly.

More Than a Decade in the Making

Back in 2005, NBC’s mockumentary television show The Office was just beginning to attract attention and was in only its second season. In one of the series’ more famous scenes, Pam Beesly—a shy, reserved receptionist at the time—drank too much during a company awards ceremony and caused a scene at a Chili’s restaurant. Near the end of the episode, the manager of the fictionalized Chili’s informed viewers that Pam was banned from the restaurant chain.

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