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Tips on Responding to Online Criticism and Negative Reviews

 Posted on November 06,2015 in Reputation Management

negative review, online criticism, OVC Marketing for LawyersIt is important to get one thing out of the way immediately: you are never going completely satisfy every client that walks through your door. That is simply a fact. Of course, you and your team will certainly try and, maybe, by your own standards, you will succeed nearly 100 percent of the time. Your standards, though, are not your customer’s standards, and in many cases, what your client was hoping for is not reasonable, realistic, or even possible. The internet age, however, has provided anyone with a screen and a web connection a large variety of platforms to express his or displeasure, no matter how misguided it may be. When a negative review shows up on Google or Yelp about your company, you are able to take back control of the conversation and, possibly, turn the situation into an opportunity for growth.

Take Your Time, But Not Too Much

Before responding to a negative review, you should take a step back and let your initial reaction subside. You are human, so your first impulse probably included the desire to fire back sharply, with carefully-chosen words that informed the poster exactly what he or she could do with his or her opinion. Such feelings are only natural when you feel attacked, and a negative review nearly always feels like a personal attack. For the sake of your company’s reputation, control yourself. If a response is appropriate, it will need to be posted quickly, but not necessarily immediately. Calm down first, and come back to it later with a clear head and a subjective attitude.

Understand What Is Being Said

If the negative review is just a bunch of scathing words that are not really saying anything, it may be best to just ignore it. Most readers who stumble across it later will have the same trouble discerning what the problem was as well. On the other hand, if the review refers to specific actions taken or attitudes demonstrated by you and your team, some self-reflection may be in order. Remember, even though you may be taking the time to calm down before responding, the reviewer, more than likely, did not do the same. A large number of negative reviews are written in the heat of angry moment, and it is important to see through the emotion and figure out the real problem.

Work with Our Reputation Management Team to Offer Possible Solutions

You may read the negative review and immediately realize that you could have done something differently to satisfy the person in the first place. If it is not too late, an OVC reputation management professional can help you offer to fix the issue in a tone that is apologetic and personable. If the opportunity for correcting the problem has passed, we can assist you in acknowledging the error and promising—truthfully!—that it will be addressed within your company.

In some cases, the reviewer’s anger will be directed toward you but the actual source of the concern may be beyond anyone’s control. For example, if you did everything you could for your client and a court was bound by law to rule a certain way, you still may get a negative review. Responding to such a criticism may still be worthwhile, and our team can draft a response to solidify your reputation as a trustworthy firm that continues to care about the well-being of clients, even when they are not happy.

Contact the Professionals Today

The way in which you handle negative reviews can quickly become a strength for your firm. It is very difficult for many potential customers to trust perfect scores and satisfaction ratings, and your responses can be very telling about your commitment and personality. For more information about managing your online reputation or responding to negative reviews, contact the professional team at OVC, INC. We are proud to offer reliable reputation management services to law firms around the country. Call 630-480-4897 for a consultation today.






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