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Quality Backlinks to Your Website Boost Traffic and Search Rankings

 Posted on October 21,2016 in Search Engine Optimization

OVC Online Marketing for LawyersTo be competitive in today’s marketplace, it is more important than ever for your firm to maintain a well-structured website designed to be compatible with a wide range of desktop and mobile devices. The success of your site depends on a large number of elements. Some—such as intuitive design features and engaging content—are visible to end users, while others—such as backend search engine optimization (SEO) and loading speed—are not visible to the average user but are no less important. Backlinks are an often-overlooked piece of the SEO puzzle, but when developed and utilized correctly, backlinks can contribute directly to increased traffic to your site and an improvement in your search engine rankings.

What Are Backlinks?

Most people are familiar with the word “link” used in the context of the internet; it refers to a clickable connection from one web page to another. So, what does the word “backlink” mean? A backlink—from the perspective of your website—is any link back to your page from anywhere else on the web, and may also be called an “inbound link.” Search engines like Google presume that a site with a large number of quality backlinks is a trustworthy site and one that is more relevant than others related to a similar search term.

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