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Creating a Productive Social Media Marketing Campaign

 Posted on October 14,2014 in Campaigns

social media campaignAccording to U.S. News & World Report Money, it is still advantageous to choose the legal profession as a viable career option. The legal industry ranked as number 51 on the publication’s The 100 Best Jobs report.

With a projected growth rate of 10 percent, The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates 74,800 legal positions will need filled by 2022. As a seasoned attorney, how should you manage a social media marketing campaign to ensure a high rate of productivity amongst the influx of tech savvy new attorneys?

For novice attorneys, the practice of engaging prospective clients via Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn or Twitter remains high on the social media marketing checklist, but understanding the analytics behind the programs may require a consultation with an experienced social media marketing firm dedicated to the legal industry.

For the seasoned attorney already engaged in digital marketing, a professional review of content and marketing objectives is in order. No matter the level of professional prowess, the following are optimal tips for achieving social media marketing success.

Time is Money

Realistically, it is fruitless to spend time or money on any social media program that has not produced a solid return on investment or ROI. An analytical approach is necessary to determine which accounts may be under-producing or missing the mark when it comes to generating client leads.

Establishing a Content Review Strategy

Once an attorney determines which social media platforms will be retained, all content should be reviewed regularly. If posts appear irrelevant, outdated or unclear, visitors are more likely to search elsewhere for more concise information as it relates to their current legal situation.

Stay on Topic

Relevant content is crucial as a means to continually engage an attorney’s targeted demographic and ultimately increase the amount of time users spend on a site. Providing useful information offers prospective clients an inside view as to what an attorney may have to offer.

Quality over Quantity

Frequent updates to all viable social media sites can be a double-edged sword. Frequency may lead to posting irrelevant information, but depending on quality content on a regularly set schedule will produce more results. For example, prospective clients seeking legal recourse are not interested in the number of cases, but rather in the professional and ethical manner cases were handled.

Open House

Attorneys should ensure that prospective clients not only have the opportunity to learn more about their practice or individual skill set but by offering an interactive experience, more often than naught a prospective client can become a retained clients.

Not matter the length of an attorney’s professional career, there may there may be no rhyme or reason as to which social media marketing options will prove an asset. For the new attorney, if may be a period of trial and error and for the seasoned attorney, revisiting the performance of social marketing tools to determine their effectiveness is essential.

Since 2008, OVC, INC. has been assisting with the development and analytical review of social media marketing campaigns for lawyers. We offer a free review to determine what elements of your digital strategy could be enhanced to achieve a healthier ROI. For more information on how our team can assist you, contact us at 630-635-8000 today.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.
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