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Let OVC, INC. Handle Your Firm’s Photography Needs

 Posted on April 14,2016 in Photography

photography, headshots, OVC Marketing for LawyersIt is impossible to understate the value of a strong visual presentation. You and your firm probably realize how important it is to project an image of authority and reliability to your potential clients. At OVC, INC., we understand the power of professional images and are proud to offer world-class photography services to attorneys and law offices around Northern Illinois.

More Than a Photo

If you were to check your pockets, your desk, and your briefcase right now, you would most likely find at least one, if not two or more devices with picture-taking capabilities. Chances are, your cell phone, tablet, and laptop all have a built-in camera, giving you the ability to take a snapshot whenever you want. But taking a picture—no matter how visually appealing the result may be—is not comparable to the applied knowledge and skill of a professional photographer who knows how to bring out the personality of you and your team, and to capture the spirit of your firm.

Meet Our New Photographer

OVC, INC. is pleased to the announce the addition of senior photographer Joe Perez to our team. With more than 20 years of photographic experience, Joe brings with him a comprehensive understanding of the technical aspects of photography, including lighting, equipment, and editing. While these elements are important, of course, Joe’s real strength lies in his ability to get stunning visual results through energetic, motivated photo sessions that keep even the most reserved subjects fully involved in the process.

Headshots, Team Photos, and Locations

Joe’s passion for the art of photography means that your portraits and photographs will tell a story and convey your firm’s essence to prospective clients. He also knows that professional headshots are only part of the overall experience. Custom, on-location photos of your office, your team, and local landmarks, can increase your firm’s visual impression. When combined with classic, executive portraits taken at our in-house studio in Downers Grove, you will have a diverse selection of striking images perfect for use on your website and printed materials.

Contact OVC, INC., Today

Whether you need a headshot for a new member of your firm, or you are looking for an entirely redesigned photo series, Joe Perez and OVC, INC. are ready to help. We will work with you to find the package and styles that suit your needs, taking the guesswork out of the process. Call 630-635-8000 to speak with a member of our team about how professional photography can help your firm stand out from the crowd.



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