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OVC Chat Box Helps You Stand Out

 Posted on May 26,2015 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

OVC Chat Box, online chat, OVC Online Marketing for LawyersAs you drive home from the office every day, if you are like many professionals, you probably are forced to deal with some level of rush hour traffic. Even if you rely on mass-transportation, the impact of a large number of people commuting at the same time is probably something with which you are familiar. Certain businesses, such as coffee shops, fast-food restaurants, and convenience stores have seized the opportunity to be available to rush-hour travelers by anticipating their needs and meeting them quickly. Similarly, websites which are prepared to offer users the information they need in a quick, convenient manner are poised for success with minimal expense, and live chat from OVC Chat Box can help your company’s site do just that.

New World, New Rules

For far too many companies, a website represents a new variation of an old static billboard. It may contain basic information such as office hours, phone numbers, and some mildly interesting details about the products and services that the business offers. While some information is better than none, such an approach to web design is not much different, and not much more effective, than buying ads in the yellow pages of the phone book.

A successful company, on the other hand, recognizes the opportunities that the societal shift toward online commerce has created. A website needs to be more than informative; it needs to be the beginning of a world-class customer service experience. Countless tools make it possible for a website to be a virtual extension of a company’s brick and mortar office, providing assistance to potential customers from the moment they access the site. To that end, many businesses have begun incorporating OVC Chat Box into their site, offering users the ability to have their concerns addressed by a live representative.

Reasons to Consider OVC Chat Box

As you look for ways to give your company an edge over your competition, you should be aware of several advantages that OVC Chat Box can offer:

  • Convenience any time of day: Peak internet usage hours are generally between 7pm and 11pm, when many offices have already closed for the day. With OVC Chat Box, your potential clients can get the answers they need without waiting for a reply email or remembering to call the next day;
  • Better customer relations: Prospective clients are much more likely to choose a company that makes them feel valued. Prompt, accurate responses to their questions, in addition to an always-available avenue of communication, demonstrate to your customers your commitment to their satisfaction.
  • Market advantage: Competition in any field or industry is as fierce today as it has ever been. When you offer OVC Chat Box services, you provide the opportunity for business-client relationships to develop quickly, with a very real sense of personal and professional investment. Building trust is essential to your company’s long-term success and direct interaction with potential clients is the first step along that path.

Find Out More

If you would like to know more about how real-time chat from OVC Chat Box can help your company grow, contact OVC, INC. We will work with you to create a customized design that seamlessly integrates into your company’s site while providing unmatched service to your prospective clients. Since 2008, our team has been providing online marketing solutions for attorneys looking to expand their online presence. Call us today at (888) 880-8552 to schedule a consultation.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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