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Online Video Trends That Can Guide Your Marketing Efforts

 Posted on October 14,2016 in Online Videos

OVC online marketing for lawyersWe live in an ever-changing world, especially when it comes to our technology and the ways in which we communicate. While this, to a certain extent, has always been the case, changes are occurring faster than perhaps ever before, with each generation’s technology improving significantly compared to the one that came before it. One such example can be found in the proliferation of online streaming video, and the way in which streaming content has completely transformed how we choose to be entertained and informed.

A Brief History

In the early 2000’s, television was essentially the same as it had always been. There were more channels than before, of course, as cable and satellite providers looked to serve niche markets and interests with appropriate programming. Digital video recorders—often referred to by the particular brand name TiVo—allowed consumers to watch programs at their convenience, but only shows that had already aired and been recorded. At the time, Netflix was just a few years old and was little more than a mail-order DVD rental company, but we were starting to hear seemingly outlandish predictions that streaming content would be how we accessed entertainment in the near future.

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