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Online Marketing for Lawyers: Putting a Trusted Name Behind the Wheel

 Posted on February 19,2014 in Legal Marketing

online marketing for attorneysIt is official. British insurance agency, Sheilas' Wheels recently polled clients to determine the amount of time and costly petrol patrons are willing to deplete before asking for directions. Not surprising, 75 percent of female clients would not hesitate to wave down a good samaritan but 25 percent of all males surveyed admit to driving over one half an hour before declaring they are lost. Even worse, 10 percent admit to refusing to ask for directions at all.

Although this survey originates across the pond, the percentages for the U.S. population probably rank close to the UK findings. Luckily, for both sexes the advancement of technological navigation devices for the directionally challenged have become a mainstay in our daily lives, virtually making it easier for us to get from Point A to Point B.

One may wonder if the reality of this survey could carry over into our professional lives, especially when it comes to our technological aptitude. Are the demands of prospecting for new clients via social media marketing draining your tank and are you ready to admit, you are lost? It may be time to slam on the brakes and ask for directions via an online marketing firm.

For many businesses, including the legal industry, there may be several common roadblocks...

Pressed for Time: A comprehensive marketing plan takes time and commitment.

Budget Buster: An in-house marketing team is financially out of reach.

Language Barrier: Technological terminology is Greek to me.

Existing Social Media Components: By way of the scenic route instead of the internet expressway.

As an attorney, your main objective is to service your existing clients but you also realize the importance of how social media marketing can attract prospective clients but do you find yourself circling the beltway instead of jumping on the fast track?

An experienced online marketing firm can easily map out an effective marketing model. When shopping for a marketing firm, kick the tires to ensure you are receiving these amenities:

  • Website Design
  • Content Development
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Mobile Websites
  • Social Media and Blogs
  • Legal Directory Listing Pages
  • Video Production and Placement
  • Reputation Management
  • Click-to-Chat and Pay-per-Click
  • Landing Pages

Let an experienced online marketing team take the wheel so you can concentrate on what is important, your clients.

OVC, INC. has been providing cutting edge and personalized online marketing for lawyers. We strive to provide quality at a reasonable price and take pride in our solid professional reputation. When you need direction, OVC can offer marketing services geared to your specifications. Why not consider a test drive? Contact us for your free quote today.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many law firms establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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