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Off-Page SEO: A Commonly Forgotten Part of Search Engine Optimization

 Posted on June 26,2015 in Campaigns

off-page seo, on-site seo, OVC Marketing for LawyersThere are countless internet resources available to help business professionals create engaging websites to tap into the digital marketplace. A web developer with rudimentary skills can create a webpage with a sleek and modern look that provides your prospective customers with the information they want. A visually appealing website, however, is just the beginning; prospective customers must be able to find you. Enter the concept of search engine optimization, or SEO. SEO lets you harness the power of the internet and massive search engines to increase your online presence. While you may have heard of SEO, and possibly have incorporated some if its techniques into your website, off-page SEO is a major factor in generating traffic to your company’s site.

On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO

For the sake of comparison, think of your website like it was a physical business—say, a retail electronics store. Keeping your store competitive and profitable requires a number of elements. Your store must be clean and organized, offer the latest in television, stereo, Blu-Ray, and computer technology, and provide world class customer service and support. You realize that every person that walks in your door is a potential client, and your store is designed to help them become a satisfied customer. The experience within the store itself is comparable to the application of on-page, or on-site, SEO. Search engines provide your page with a higher ranking based on the quality of your site, fresh and engaging content, loading rate, titles and descriptions and many other components.

Even if you successfully convert every person who stops at your store into a paying customer, your continued profitability is dependent upon more potential clients knowing you exist. To that end, you may buy billboards, purchase ads on locally-oriented websites, and promote the store on Facebook and Twitter. Maybe you decide to sponsor a Little League team or work with a local charity. You may also occasionally guest-write an article about consumer electronics for your local newspaper or online magazine from time to time. When applied to your website, this is where off-page SEO becomes vital.

Off-Page SEO Elements

The comparison between an electronics store and your website is not exact, of course, but can offer some insight into how off-page SEO can help you strengthen your page’s visibility in search engine rankings. There are several common elements to off-page SEO that, when utilized properly, can have a major positive effect:

  • Link building: Real, organic links to your website matter. Search algorithms have been designed to compensate for spam-like posting of your links all over the internet with no real context. However, if your site is listed on a highly regarded directory, discussed in a reputable blog, or is mentioned in a Wall Street Journal article, the impact to your rankings can be dramatic;
  • Social media: The various platforms of social networking sites can offer wide exposure for your site very quickly. It is important, though, to use them properly as poor use of Facebook, Instagram, and other sites can actually be counterproductive; and
  • Local focus: There are methods available for targeting your intended geographic region. As more users search with their GPS-equipped smart phones, search engines look to return local results and your site should be among those at the top. Proper use of off-page SEO can help distinguish you from competitors in your area.

Maximize Your Site

Search engine optimization can be confusing, and keeping up with trends in search engine algorithms can be nearly impossible for busy professionals. At OVC, INC., however, we pride ourselves in remaining on the cutting edge of SEO and optimized web design. Since 2008, we have been providing state-of-the-art digital marketing solutions for attorneys around the country. Contact us today at 630-635-8000 to schedule a consultation and find out how our team can help you increase your online visibility and create even more opportunity for your business.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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