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Niche SEO Professionals May Offer Better Return on Your Marketing Investment

 Posted on July 10,2015 in Campaigns

niche SEO, professionals, OVC Marketing for LawyersConsider a business owner who is looking to build an entirely new location for his or her office. The land has been purchased and now it needs to be cleared, leveled, and excavated. The foundation must be laid, the structure built, various utilities installed, and countless other projects must be completed before the new building can open for business. Would you expect to see a well-rounded general contractor operating a bulldozer this week, pouring concrete next week, framing walls the week after, and wiring the building for electricity a month later? In construction, a single person, no matter how skilled, would rarely take on a number of such specialized roles; instead, the general contractor will bring in subcontractors to handle each area with precision and specific expertise. The same principles can apply to increasing your company’s online visibility, as a team of niche SEO professionals with individual areas of strength can be much more efficient and successful than a single, SEO “general contractor.”

What’s the Difference?

For many business owners, their understanding of search engine optimization, or SEO, is rather limited. They may realize that it has something to do with making their website better, but are not quite sure how or why it does so. The reality is, however, that SEO can be very complicated and is constantly evolving, as search engines such as Google and Bing continue to tweak their search algorithms.

SEO cannot be done with just a few clicks of the mouse; instead, it is multi-faceted approach to online marketing that requires regular attention and keeping abreast of the ever-changing digital landscape. Thus, a single SEO professional, whether employed by your business or contracted separately, may struggle to maintain your company’s desired level of online visibility.

A team of niche-specific SEO professionals, however, can potentially offer a number of significant advantages:

  • An Organized SEO Strategy: Instead of one person struggling to meet the SEO requirements of a particular site, several can work together on various SEO elements under the direction of a single leader. This can allow more focus and clearer understanding of what needs to be accomplished and why;
  • Specialized Skills: A well-rounded SEO generalist may be very intelligent and adept at his or her job, but are rarely able to acquire the skills necessary to attend to smaller, more precise details. In SEO, the details absolutely matter, and though a general professional may have a solid understanding of SEO overall, niche professionals are often more aware of current trends and strategies within their particular area of skill;
  • Time Savings: A team of niche SEO professionals can all be working on different parts of the same project at the same time, while a generalist is limited to a particular piece of the puzzle at any given moment. The team also requires less ongoing training and education, as the niche professionals tend to only seek out the new information they require for their own particular responsibility while a generalist must learn as much as possible to cover all areas.

A Team That Works for You

It can be difficult for many business owners to stay aware of the constant changes in online marketing, and remaining visible in search engine rankings can be a challenge. At OVC, INC., we are equipped to help you achieve and maintain your desired online presence. Each one of our team members is fully trained to handle a particular area of focus, allowing for the most efficient approach to SEO possible. Since 2008, we have created innovative digital marketing solutions for attorneys and are ready to bring that experience to you. Call us today at 630-635-8000 and find out how a team of niche SEO professionals can help your company thrive.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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