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New Laws of Note for 2016 in Illinois

 Posted on December 24,2015 in Legal Marketing

new laws, Illinois law, OVC marketing for lawyersThe legal world is one that is constantly in a state of evolution. Elected officials and government officials are forever attempting to live up to promises made to constituents and to make improvements to the communities they serve. Though we are pleased to offer top-quality online marketing services to law firms around the country, OVC, INC. is proud to call Northern Illinois home. Thus, when changes and amendments are made to Illinois law, they directly affect us and a large number of our regional clients.

This past year was a fairly busy one for the Illinois legislature, as are most years, with 237 new laws being approved. As usual, many of the new measures to receive approval of the State House, Senate, and the governor are set to take effect on January 1. With just a few short days to go in 2015, here are some new laws that Illinois residents should be aware of for 2016:

Divorce and Family Law

No-Fault Divorce Only: A comprehensive family law overhaul bill eliminates fault grounds for divorce. Whatever may have led to the dissolution, all divorces will be no-fault on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. Mandatory separation periods have also been eliminated, allowing a couple to proceed immediately with a divorce if they agree to do so.

Parental Responsibilities and Parenting Time: The same measure also revamped the state’s approach to child custody, replacing strict concepts sole or joint custody with a more customizable and cooperative allocation of parental responsibilities, expecting each parent to play a role in his or her child’s upbringing. Visitation by a parent has be renamed “parenting time” as well, to help keep the focus on the child.

Criminal Law

Pets and Weather: Pet owners could potentially face misdemeanor charges and associated penalties for leaving pets and companion animals in dangerous weather conditions. This applies to both summer heat and winter cold, as well as any other conditions that could cause harm.

Post-DUI Convictions: Those who are convicted of a second DUI will be required to install an ignition interlock device on their vehicles, and are limited to a restricted driving permit for five years. Those convicted of a fourth DUI offense, on the other hand, may still apply for a restricted driving permit if they have been alcohol and drug-free for three years.

Synthetic Marijuana: This past year, marijuana decriminalization efforts fell just short, but the state’s medical marijuana program did get underway. Going forward, though, the possession, manufacturing, or distribution of synthetic marijuana, or “K2” are expressly prohibited.

Good Samaritan: Modeled on similar, drug-related laws, a new law offers immunity from prosecution for an underage drinker who seeks emergency medical attention for another person in danger of alcohol poisoning and more.

$5 per Ticket: With the rise in controversy of police activity around the country, Illinois is looking to fund body cameras for police officers in the state. Every traffic citation written will be $5 more expensive in 2016 to generate the needed revenue.


Concussions and School Sports: All school-sponsored sports must be monitored by a concussion oversight team at the school to be sure proper safety protocols are learned and enforced.

“Granny Cams” Allowed in Nursing Homes: Nursing home residents and their families may, at their own expense, install surveillance equipment in their rooms to ensure that proper care is being provided. The facility must be notified but cannot interfere.

With nearly 240 new laws, it would be impossible to list them all and, in reality, many of them make relatively small changes that will affect just a narrow segment of the population.

Happy New Year

In the meantime, we at OVC, INC. would like to wish you and your family the happiest of holidays. We look forward to a prosperous new year and hope that 2016 brings you the personal joy and professional success you deserve. For more information about our products and services, call 630-635-8000.






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