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Negative, Misleading Content Troublesome for Google and Facebook

 Posted on November 18,2016 in Changes with Google

OVC Lawyer MarketingMore than ever before, individuals around the world are turning to the internet as a source of news and information, particularly related to current events. In previous generations, interested people were forced to wait until the evening news broadcast or until the next morning’s newspaper was published to find out what was happening in the world. The rise of 24-hour news channels like CNN was helpful but still pales in comparison to the information currently available on the world wide web.

The problem, however, is that internet services like Facebook and Google often have trouble distinguishing between what is actually news and what is not. It is becoming increasingly common for false, misleading, and intentionally negative stories to spread just as quickly—and often more so—than fact-based news items.

A Changing Approach

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