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Mixed Messages in Branding: The Story of Guaranteed Rate and the Chicago White Sox

 Posted on November 04,2016 in Branding

OVC Lawyer MarketingIf we are going to talk about a baseball team in Chicago, we would be remiss if we did not take a moment to recognize the accomplishments of the 2016 Chicago Cubs.  In the late hours of Wednesday night—Thursday morning in Cleveland where the historic event took place—the longest championship drought in professional sports came to an end with a slow ground ball to third base. For the first time in 108 years, the Chicago Cubs are the champions of the baseball world, and we at OVC, INC., proudly offer our sincere congratulations to the players, coaches, team officials, and fans.

As one Chicago team celebrates and looks toward a promising future, another is caught up in the midst of a confusing situation regarding its business relationships and associated branding. The dilemma highlights the importance of strong visual branding that is appropriate in its application and intended audience.

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