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Microsoft Claims That Cancer Will Be “Solved” in 10 Years

 Posted on September 22,2016 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

OVC Lawyer MarketingWhile most of us are using the wonders of technology to communicate with one another and for recreational purposes—think Pokémon Go—computers and the Internet were originally developed as tools to make solving problems more efficient. Over time, of course, computing technology has made its way in to just about every industry on earth. Harvesting combines are guided by GPS, manufacturing plants use CNC machines—CNC stands for “computer numeric control” to cut and process materials, and lawyers are able to reach prospective clients through social media and marketing campaigns.

Computers have also long been used in the fields of biology and chemistry for various purposes, but a recent announcement from Microsoft still has many wondering if the technology giant will be able to deliver on its promise. According to reports, Microsoft has begun work on a series of programs that has led to a prediction that cancer will be “solved” within the next decade.

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