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Meeting the Needs of Cancer Survivors in the Chicago Area

 Posted on September 29,2016 in Public Relations

OVC Lawyer MarketingThe exact definition of a cancer survivor may vary from person to person. For some, surviving cancer means getting the first clean results following aggressive cancer treatment. For others, they may wait five years without a recurrence before calling themselves survivors. Perhaps the most fitting definition of a cancer survivor is the simplest—anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer and continues to fight the battle with the deadly disease is a survivor.

Of course, using this definition allows for the recognition of various phases of survivorship, as survivors in the midst of initial treatment often face different challenges than those who are 10 or 15 years removed from the acute battle. At OVC, INC., we recognize that all cancer survivors deserve care and support from the moment they are diagnosed, and we are proud to partner with an organization like the American Cancer Society to help meet the needs of cancer survivors around the country.

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