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Marketing Lessons Learned From Pokémon Go

 Posted on July 28,2016 in Mobile-Friendly Sites

OVC Lawyer MarketingPop culture trends and crazes come and go with alarming speed. Often, they are fun for a moment then quickly forgotten as the collective interest turns to something new. Sometimes, though, a cultural phenomenon can develop from the simplest of sources. Over the last several weeks, a seemingly innocuous smartphone app has taken the world by storm, as developers combined a video game concept that began two decades ago with current GPS and mobile phone technology. By now, you have almost certainly have heard about Pokémon Go, as millions of players around the globe have taken to the streets as they try to “catch ‘em all.”

While you may be tempted to dismiss Pokémon Go as another passing fad, the explosion of the app’s popularity provides a number of examples for those looking to grow any business, including legal practices. By incorporating some of these ideas into your firm’s marketing and planning strategies, you may find yourself positioned for a popularity explosion of your own.

We Are Living in the Future

Part of the appeal of Pokémon Go is that the game uses the player’s location and movements to affect gameplay. Known as augmented reality, the app connects the real world with a virtual one almost seamlessly. The same type of technology may be used to enhance the information-gathering or sales process. Imagine if a user could point his or her smartphone at the outside of your office and be immediately be presented with your qualifications, practice areas, and highlights of your success. You could reach potential clients in ways you never may have thought possible.

Make It Personal

 In today’s world, people work very hard to feel like an individual. Pokémon Go has harnessed this desire almost perfectly. The app has become a part its users’ lives, with new experiences, creatures, and items available at different times of day and in different locations. The game has reached players exactly where they are. You do not need to use augmented reality to do the same for your target audience, but you should customize your message and your approach based on what your potential client base wants and needs. This can help you stay relevant and at the top of your industry.

Mobile First

Perhaps the most interesting element of Pokémon Go’s success is that the game was created for use on a mobile device. Despite being based on a 1990’s Nintendo game, the current version was not built for a console or desktop then made to fit a smartphone or tablet. Rather, the game was designed exclusively for the capabilities of a mobile devices.

Today’s consumers are increasingly turning to their phones to meet their needs: Uber is there when someone needs a ride, AirBnB can help find a place to stay. If you hope to capture the attention of prospective customers, a mobile-friendly web presence is extremely important. Responsive websites are a good place to start, as a mobile-friendly site can also boost your visibility to search engines.

Let Us Help

Since 2008, OVC, INC. has been providing lawyers and law firms around with state of the website and marketing services. With our experience, we can help you develop a strategy for attracting new clients and expanding your digital presence. Contact us today for a free website analysis by calling 630-635-8000.





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