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Making Social Media Work for Your Company

 Posted on May 05,2015 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

social media, Facebook, OVC Lawyer MarketingDid you know that approximately 1.4 billion people around the world use Facebook every month? Every day, more than 900 million users access the social networking site. In North America alone, nearly 160 million active users browse their news feeds, share pictures and stories, and interact in the digital forum that Facebook provides. For a company interested in marketing its brand, understanding the vast impact of social media can open the door to nearly unlimited growth.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Facebook is just one of a number of growing social media platforms available to those who wish to expand their company’s digital footprint. Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Pinterest also offer companies the ability to reach potential customers by identifying their needs and interests.

Successful social media marketing, however, means much more than simply posting or tweeting random pieces of information about your brand. It is very important, first, to become immersed in your target demographic and recognize their specific desires and requirements, so that you can customize your marketing campaign to maximize its impact.

Pursuit with Honesty

In today’s age of constant media bombardment, it is easy for potential clients to feel overwhelmed by a deluge of advertisements. Modern consumers want to feel valued, both as part of a business transaction and as a valued individual. A company who is willing to pursue them by respecting their interests and meeting their specific needs is much more likely to earn their business and loyalty.

That same group of consumers, though, tends to maintain a degree of skepticism in regard to traditional advertising. For generations, billboards and television commercials, not to mention email spam, have been rife with exaggerations and misleading information. Thus, the opportunity has been created for companies willing to engage consumers in a two-way exchange of ideas and information that, before the advent of social media, was nearly impossible. By connecting your social media platforms to other active forms of content marketing, such as your website or blog, you can facilitate honest and open interactions with potential clients, establishing a level of trust long before a business transaction ever takes place.

Social Media Creates Buzz

When your company connects with consumers through social media, you are likely to witness a domino effect of brand recognition. More than ever, customers are willing to identify with a particular brand by following Twitter accounts, sharing Facebook posts, and other common social media activities. Your satisfied clients, in turn, become another level of continuous marketers for your company, helping you reach an even greater number of new prospects.

Professional Online Marketing

Whether you need help setting up a social media marketing campaign or would like help in maximizing its effectiveness, the qualified team at OVC, INC. is equipped to meet your needs. Since 2008, we have been providing top-quality online marketing solutions for attorneys, including mobile-friendly websites and comprehensive social media efforts. Call today to schedule a consultation and let us show you how we can expand your online visibility and marketing success.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.
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