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Local Search and Google Places for Lawyers

 Posted on November 17,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

google places for lawyersWhen Google, the global leader of online marketing introduced Google Places in 2010, it was estimated that one out of every five Google searches were based on geographical preferences. To answer the call, Google rolled out the program to assist businesses and to "localize" Google.

Fast forward, almost five years later, the growing dependence on smartphones, via Google Android and iPhone, has skyrocketed, making it even more evident that you should be utilizing Google Places to anticipate a prospective client’s electronic request when seeking a centrally located attorney.

Statistically, all electronic search activity is heavily reliable on Google content as a means to locate professional services. As Google continues to develop effective methods of local search optimization via the rollout of Hotpot, a collaborative incorporation of Hotpot and Google Places, to establish search engine rankings as a viable indicator for prospective clients surfing the local marketplace.

As the legal industry remains a highly competitive field, the simplicity of Google Places may have outgrown its existence. No longer is it viable to place a lone business listing and keeping your fingers crossed for top placement when it comes to Google ranking.

To upgrade your online availability and presence, the following five areas may result in optimizing your local search results. Although a quick synopsis, it may be in your best interest to meet with your marketing team or contracted social media marketing firm to further discuss your options.

Taking Advantage of Google Marketing Services

Although there are 20 different availability fields in Google Places, most surprisingly, not all fields are utilized. To increase your position, ensure that all 20 fields are in action. For example, by deciding not to post a professional video could highly decrease your overall rating, leaving the door open to the competitor who choose this option.

Incorporate Product or Service Keywords

Strategically list one or two of the geographical areas influenced by your target demographic. In an effort to steer clear of over saturating your target market with numerous product or service keywords, enlist the assistance of a qualified social media marketing firm experienced in Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

Enlisting Reviews and Client Recommendations

Invite and encourage your client base to submit reviews and recommendations. By opting to do so, you place yourself ahead of the competition. In Google Land, most often the practice with numerous reviews posted within one day will experience a higher ranking. As your clients engage in this practice, you will benefit from a strong and impressive online reputation as well as a top position.

Lead Google to Your Door

Although placing a hardcopy business listing in your local phonebook may seem archaic, Google often visits established sources of available information to build expansive database. If you forgo listing your business within this type of source, you may be missing out on achieving a favorable Google rating.

Enlist Other Players

To further ensure your online presence, incorporate a business listing via these other social media platforms as a means to further increase your availability and visibility:

  • Yelp,
  • Bing,
  • Yahoo,
  • Best of the Web,
  • Hotfrog, and
  • Foursquare.

Local listings and the incorporation of a successful Local Search Engine Optimization plan has always been essential to any successful online marketing campaign to capitalize on your local market availability. Since 2008, the experienced team of OVC, INC. has been incorporating cutting-edge products and services dedicated to enhancing the online presence of the legal industry, one attorney at a time. To learn more on how we can assist you, contact our offices at 630-635-8000 for more information today.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.
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