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Legal Websites 101: School is Back in Session

 Posted on August 25,2014 in Criminal Law

legal websiteWith the advancement of legal online marketing and all the new responsibilities the management of your firm’s online presence brings to the table, it is possible the basics of maintaining or even constructing a relevant legal website representative of your firm has not taken place.

The 2013 numbers from Statistic Brain  reveal the number of Google searches per day has increased to 5,922,000,000. It is imperative that your firm's marketing specialist understand the importance of maintaining a website. With a refresher course below, Legal Websites 101, the relevance of a Grade A website as well as review of domain names, design, and content can help bring an understanding of important basic elements a strong law firm website contains.

First Day of Class

Review of website basics.

  • Choosing a domain name - keeping it short and easy,

  • Server space - free vs. fee paid,

  • Platform - cookie cutter or free style.

Second Day of Class

The importance of design.

  • If your firm has an existing website, refresh design elements often,

  • If you are working on your first site, remember design elements should catch the eye of prospective clients.

Third Day of Class

Broadcasting your credentials.

  • If you and your firm post professional bios, remember to revisit often for updates,

  • Always maintain an air of professionalism when it comes to crafting your online credentials; your online reputation requires attention.

Fourth Day of Class

Class photo.

  • When it comes to uploading your professional headshot, dress your best,

  • First impressions are everything for prospective new clients.

Fifth Day of Class

Put your website to the test.

  • Your firm’s site should deliver more than a minimal business listing,

  • Celebrate your firm’s accomplishments by posting relevant business information,

  • Traffic generating content and relative information give your firm a gold star.

Class is Back in Session

To enhance your firm’s website, consider scheduling time for blogging,

  • Keep in mind your target audience, tone, writing style, formatting, frequency, and choice of relevant topics,

  • If you do not have one minute extra in your schedule, discuss your options for a monthly blogging plan with a qualified online marketing firm.

Scheduling Now Open for Creating a Mobile Site

  • More advanced than creating and maintaining an online website,

  • With so many prospective clients utilizing mobile capabilities, a mobile website is practically a technological requirement,

  • The creation of a mobile site enables you or your firm to streamline how your website will appear on a mobile device as well as making it much easier to use.

Keeping your online presence in line with your professional aspirations can mean the difference between a Pass or Fail grade given by your target audience. Designing and maintaining a well crafted website with relevant content, informative blogs, and up to date professional accomplishments can provide you and your firm a higher class standing.

The experienced team at OVC, INC. understands your desire to advance your class status when it comes to increasing your bottom line through online marketing techniques. Since 2008, we have been offering our clients a free critique of their legal websites. As a leading edge expert in online marketing for the legal community we also understand the importance of offering innovative, user friendly and cost effective products and services to increase your online presence and return on investment. Contact us today at 630-635-8000 for your personal website review and learn more about how our services can achieve you a passing grade.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.
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