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Tupperware and American Consumerism: The Path to Online Marketing for Attorneys

 Posted on February 07,2014 in Legal Marketing

online marketing tips for lawyersConsumerism or how we Americans fit into the social and economical order that encourages us to purchase goods and seek out services surprisingly heightened after World War II with the introduction of believe it or not, Tupperware.

According to a recent article published by the Public Broadcasting Services (PBS), Tupperware cleared the way by promoting hearth and home but also as a product line that could ease the burden of the busy post-war housewife. It also opened the door to the long-term indulgent relationship with American consumerism.

Although we may not be experiencing the rate of economic growth as witnessed by the baby boomers of our society, Americans have burrowed a new course of consumerism through the technological advancements of the magical World Wide Web.

We are a nation of consumers who forgo the mall scene with just one click to purchase a new pair of shoes or another click to purchase a new flat screen TV before picking it up curbside at the local electronics store. According to Accenture, a multinational management consulting firm, two out of five consumers favored shopping from the comfort of home this past holiday season further supporting the growth of consumerism as an internet driven society.

So briefly, that covers the goods side of consumerism but what about services? Once again click by click we bypass the post office and order our postage on line, we sign up for online bill pay through our financial institution or we wave bon voyage to our long-time travel agent and book our next vacation online. Instead of turning to the yellow pages of yesteryear, the first stop shop for locating specialized services begins when we turn to our technological guru of endless information, the internet.

In this new age of consumerism every business, including the legal industry, must rely on every tech savvy option available to satisfy the consumer’s immediate need for that quick click to pinpoint the best man, woman or business for the job.

Attorneys looking to forge a relationship with the new age consumer should focus on continually developing and maintaining their online presence. To capture consumer attention these lawyer marketing tools should find their way into your demonstration kit:

  • Informative website
  • Relevant blogs
  • Professionally produced videos
  • Click-to-Chat capability
  • Excellent Search Engine Optimization
  • Up-to-date profile pages on all social media sites
  • Professional legal directory placement
  • Contingency plan for reputation management
  • Professional creation of website landing pages

It is probably in your best interest to have these services designed by an experienced online legal marketing firm so all you will need to do to capture the consumer searching for legal services is to have your smart phone on standby.

As generations before us and most likely those ahead of us, the need for consumption will continue as new purchasing practices are created to satisfy our lust for consumable goods and services. What lies ahead only time will tell but as you place your phone on vibrate to clear the dinner dishes and reach for the first available container for the evening’s leftovers, make sure you also grab the right lid to that Tupperware container.

For more information on how you can increase your online presence contact a leader in lawyer online marketing today. For your free quote and to learn more about OVC online marketing for lawyers and our services, call us at 630-635-8000.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many law firms establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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